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Messaging her on FB, yes or no?

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2 hours ago, kinkygrove said:

If you don't know where she lives, your best option would be to do a little investigating so you can randomly just happen to both be somewhere at the same time or cross paths with her away from work. Whatever you do, DO NOT use Facebook that's creepy and stalkerish...

Now that is creepy, encouraging someone to do a little investigating to randomly be in the same place as here. Is this what you would do? The op has already used Facebook, but hasn't sent her the message (or has he?).

Exactly. Wast majority of women do not like to be contacted on FB. Especially client from work. Period. You either do effort and meet her by mistake using your brain and creativity, i know it hurts, or you move on. You guys who keep saying its normal- you need to learn some respect towards women!
  • 2 weeks later...
Just ask your friend (who you were doing the work for) for a proper introduction, stalking her on Facebook on the basis of one conversation in a service delivery setting and messaging her will come across as creepy.

I'm partially curious how this ended up - it's now been almost a month so if he didn't message her it's now probably too late.

But as he has deleted his profile we'll probably never know either way.

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