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Darkness Within: poetry

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This darkness, calamitous to the unsuspecting heart. Maddening to those less adept at navigation.

Cold stone with path worn through by bruised and tired feet. This creature has traveled in circles here for decades.

The poltergeists of his own devise reach from the blackness to scratch at his conscience. His only sustenance is the gore of his past.

This cycle goes on beneath the calm facade of sanity. He must forever keep this demon self chained to this place.

He must maintain his grasp on his true self with one hand and maintain his hold on this modern world with the other.

This demon self diminishes over time, but is never gone. As much a part of the soul as the light, he cannot in good conscience set the demon free.

And so, as wizard resides in his den, in the grove, next to the stream; the demon remains chained in the oubliette.

Both of them in me.

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