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Cigar Service


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You know I am craving a cigar service experience this evening. If you have never seen one. Feel free to ask. How many Dom's or Domme's like a good Cigar service out there? Besides me of course.
I had to look it up because I didn't know either...I don't smoke cigars though so that's probably why.

I have no idea what you mean by cigar service? It's not even on urban dictionary 


A cigar service is a submission act. The Sub selects and prepares a cigar for the Dom. Presents it. Toasts the foot. Then lights the cigar. They then wait and serve the Dom as the Dom smokes the cigar.  

1 hour ago, greatimp99 said:

A cigar service is a submission act. The Sub selects and prepares a cigar for the Dom. Presents it. Toasts the foot. Then lights the cigar. They then wait and serve the Dom as the Dom smokes the cigar.  

oh, figures

are they also the ashtray?

I usually have them hold an ashtray. But some Dom's or Domme's I have seen ask the sub to be the ashtray.
A submissive act. Where the sub selects, prepares and lights a cigar for a Dom.
Ok I may be new n all but what gives with this kind of act?
1 hour ago, Hannah-7243 said:

Ok I may be new n all but what gives with this kind of act?

it's the idea of personal servitude.

You are doing something for the other person in this case preparing and lighting their cigar for them.    That it is unlikely to be something which is directly a submissive fetish on it's own, but the idea of serving and doing something useful.  Actually, something the other person may well be perfectly capable of doing, but you still making things easier by doing it for them

Well I enjoy a Sub serving me in such a way. It is very explicit show of Dominance and Submission. It may not be for everyone. But I do not need sexual interplay in my BDSM to derive satisfaction from it.
Sounds good to me just serving nothing more 😌
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