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Sadist & Masochist Topics

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On *** techniques , how much *** or what level of *** should a sadist use on a masochist ?
Brother this is really iffy. This is something you and your partner would have to sit and communicate with eachother and come to an accord. Cause different person have different *** tolerances and pleasures. So if your coming from a partner who loves *** to a partner who is more of a little I would say you have to let stuff be know
It makes sense , I'll be sure to do that
Thanks for your comment
And the use of safe words have come in handy when your with somebody new cause at that time your able to aleast play and get to know your partner and different *** levels she or he may handle. But when I come to this atheist in my experience communication is key.
Safe words as ? To be specific
Pinata, pineapples, hell even "slow your roll" can be a safe word(phrase in this example)" just a word(s) that let's you know I either have to tone it down or kick it up a notch
Now I know what safe words are , Thanks Again
You really need to start low levels and slowly . Short quick ***s nothing too intense. Pin wheels or vampire gloves are fun to play with .
Pin wheels and vampire gloves are kink or bdsm type toys or tools right ? I'm just getting into the BDSM Culture
Yeah bro . I'm glad you're taking the time to learn . It can be dangerous If not done right and damaging. Pin wheels I used for stitching in leather work but like many a toys they have been adapted from other things to be used for play. I think really important to work up to certain things don't just dive right in with heavy play it could be a big shock to a beginner . I can't stress this enough please learn all you can about aftercare. If you're heightening someone's mood , high impact play on their body. It's important to bring them back down carefully, calmly and help them com e back to a safe and nice environment. You must really take care of a masochist and keep toys and tool clean .
I will be sure to remember that
Being totally honest here - if you didn't know what safe words are and why they're necessary before starting this thread then you really need to take several steps back before even thinking about what levels of *** you should be using.
Take time to think and learn about the lifestyle, read as much as you can about it, and then read some more. Consider the type of dominant you think you would be, and the kind of submissive you would like to meet.
Think about what BDSM really means to you and why it interests you etc.
Domination is really not about inflicting *** remorselessly, it's a lot more nuanced than that and about your persona and the way you are with people.
None of that is meant as a criticism, everyone starts somewhere but to do so needs to come from a place of knowledge and understanding and the ability to both consent and accept consent and use them responsibly.
Communication and understanding of both yourself and those you interact with is key here.
I'm comprehending ,
Is there any literature you would recommend ?
To be on the safe side
There's plenty - forums like this are a good source, on-line blogs another, sites like FetLife, in terms of books SM101 and Screw The Roses Bring Me The Thorns are both very good, Jay Wiseman is widely recognised as being a good source.
There are of course good and bad out there but the more you read the more you'll be able to differentiate between them.
I will be sure to check them out
Thanks for the advise
As already said.. the level the masochist requires. The most important thing to learn imo after safety is consent. Once you’ve educated yourself a little more on the types of *** & kink you’re into, any safe guarding around them specifically, then it’s a case of listening to your partner and never inflicting more than they consent too… but it’s also about knowing when to stop even if they don’t want to.. for safety reasons. Be sensible and aware.
I will be sure to apply that
As much as possible without permanent bodily harm. Don't break them
Whatever amount the masochist enjoys. Start gentle, ask if more is desired, learn what they like, find the edge, the point of max pleasure for the masochist, and have fun there.
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