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Blind sex

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I want to know, is it ok not to want to be looked at during sexual play, like your partner wears a blindfold?
Yeah but for what reason is this related to yourself or your partner, you’re partner might find it offensive if you don’t want to look at them. But if it’s due a personal reason you should just get that point across or explain it to them so they can understand your positions a lot can be solved with words as long as people aren’t shy enough to express themselves.
Very valid. Lack of slight will bring the other senses out more. Try it once or twice and see for yourself. It's more for the sub I would suggest. Never tried it on both dom and sub at the same time, could make things interesting.
That is fine. You would have to make sure that your partner knows about it and that they are willing to do this for you.
If your partner is in agreement to it then of course it's OK.
I dont want to be stared at during anything sex but at the same time i wouldnt want them to wear a blindfold. I just close my eyes and pretend they arnt looking 😂
Sure, why not? Whatever floats your boat, i guess. If you feel more comfortable by not being looked at, tell your partner so. Communication remains key. May i ask why you like your partner not to look at you? (Purely out of interest; feel free not to answer😊)
Hell ya! My partner loves being blindfolded !
I guess is ok if it is not something where there is no other option to have sex wearing a blindfold.
Maybe address why not? If insecure try to work on that with your partner as they MAY in due time want to see you during sexy time.
But its certainly not a crime to request them to wear one while you are getting comfy xx
I'm of the opinion so long as consenting adults openly discuss and agree to everything beforehand, everything is permitted
It's not because of that she is very bossy, so when she can see me she tells me what to do, or tries to, and i like that now and then but like a bird i cover her head and she is all moans
17 hours ago, killeen647 said:
It's not because of that she is very bossy, so when she can see me she tells me what to do, or tries to, and i like that now and then but like a bird i cover her head and she is all moans

Have you thought about trying a gag as an option? Then she can see but can’t be in control of the situation. It’s another aspect of sensory play.

There's a difference between not wanting to be looked at and not wanting your partner to see, but both are fetishes
Doing it with the lights out is somewhat traditional.
Blind folds are hot. I usually keep my eyes shut most of the time just so I can concentrate on the feeling
As long as both parties are into it. But me.... I like to be ***d. I love a strong g confident woman to dominate me
Some subs that I have experienced really enjoy sensory deprivation.
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