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Staying safe online

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This topic is recently relevant to me. I started talking to a Domme who ended up pushing my boundaries, limits and consent before we had even met and clearly didn't get the message that I no longer wanted to meet.
Before all of this, she wanted to pick me up and thankfully I was wary enough to not give her my address. Only the city I live in (honestly should've said some other town I could've taken a train to).
It was only after I threatened calling the police that it seemed to click that I didn't want to meet as she stopped messaging after that. At least, for a days she did. I've since blocked her and if she continues to try and contact me I will call the police. She has me concerned for my safety to an extent, and if you ever feel a similar way then it's not a bad thing to get the police involved. At the end of the day, your safety comes first.
Also , there's deep fake stuff and filters. So when you think your talking to a person (or gender) it can just be someone tricking you with a fake filter on and bogus information. So meet as soon as possible in a public place .
1 hour ago, MrJ84 said:

Also , there's deep fake stuff and filters. So when you think your talking to a person (or gender) it can just be someone tricking you with a fake filter on and bogus information. So meet as soon as possible in a public place .

Most the filters are really obvious.  They really are the whole "men who fall for this fall for bugs bunny in drag"

it's far easier without even considering touch ups to just catfish

but also while meeting up in a public place - this is also a location where consideration has to be given : again particularly women have this balance that it's a big risk to choose somewhere too close to where they live, but going too far out is added time and cost.

But also - pushing too hard to meet someone is a flag in itself

Being suckered... I think every, EVERY men on this site much be very rich!! So far, every men I have heard says they have their own businesses, or in some kind of management postions. Did I mention military?. Seriously, why not just say you are in Special ***s. Most say I am looking for long term relationship, looking for the one, and drum roll please... I will do ANYTHING for the "one". Did I miss any?.🤔 BIG RED FLAGS!!!
4 hours ago, kiseu said:

Being suckered... I think every, EVERY men on this site much be very rich!! So far, every men I have heard says they have their own businesses, or in some kind of management postions. Did I mention military?. Seriously, why not just say you are in Special ***s. Most say I am looking for long term relationship, looking for the one, and drum roll please... I will do ANYTHING for the "one". Did I miss any?.🤔 BIG RED FLAGS!!!

years ago whenever press or TV would do the whole "interview with a Dominatrix" thing they'd fish for tropes and want answers like that their clients were wealthy, hence paying their rates - or - were like a CEO or management who had to be mean to people at work and now wanted someone to be mean to him and yada yada

and I sometimes think some subs think that's what they have to be like

these days some of these interviews are now "actually, most subs are just ordinary guys - some save up to see me, some can afford to see me regularly, and they just want to explore kinks or fantasies" 

Military is another one I often feel a bit for guys who are/were actually in the military because there's so many dating sites where that is the set up for a scam, or, that people will say they are in the military to try to impress ladies when the truth is they were on a reserve list or something.

Or, of course, in some countries you are classed as a "veteran" if you do just one days service. 

2 hours ago, eyemblacksheep said:

years ago whenever press or TV would do the whole "interview with a Dominatrix" thing they'd fish for tropes and want answers like that their clients were wealthy, hence paying their rates - or - were like a CEO or management who had to be mean to people at work and now wanted someone to be mean to him and yada yada

and I sometimes think some subs think that's what they have to be like

these days some of these interviews are now "actually, most subs are just ordinary guys - some save up to see me, some can afford to see me regularly, and they just want to explore kinks or fantasies" 

Military is another one I often feel a bit for guys who are/were actually in the military because there's so many dating sites where that is the set up for a scam, or, that people will say they are in the military to try to impress ladies when the truth is they were on a reserve list or something.

Or, of course, in some countries you are classed as a "veteran" if you do just one days service. 

Eyem... you forgot something. You always talk about this.  "And I WOULD DO ANYTHING for love, I'd run right into hell and back
I'LL NEVER LIE to you and that's a fact (Meat Loaf) Biggest Red Flag!

7 hours ago, kiseu said:

Eyem... you forgot something. You always talk about this.  "And I WOULD DO ANYTHING for love, I'd run right into hell and back
I'LL NEVER LIE to you and that's a fact (Meat Loaf) Biggest Red Flag!

yep "I'll do anything" - this wasn't any form of answer to a question and certainly isn't the great offer many seem to think

"anything? ok, pay my bills this month"

I’ve been harping on this for years. Social media is a criminals wet dream. People post far too much personal stuff without thinking of repercussions.
Hopefully you ain’t still in your hometown ma cause you just told everyone where that is I agree with you about staying safe so I hope your not foolish enough to have made that mistake I ain’t like that but you made a public post so anyone could be trying to track you now all it takes is intelligence
12 hours ago, assmastermario said:
Hopefully you ain’t still in your hometown ma cause you just told everyone where that is I agree with you about staying safe so I hope your not foolish enough to have made that mistake I ain’t like that but you made a public post so anyone could be trying to track you now all it takes is intelligence

You're right tbh I did forget to turn off my location, you've just reminded me

Friday at 07:15 AM, ilikedomimantgirlz said:
For guys it's a very tricky aspect too.
On one hand you always need to be patient and polite with girls, as a gentleman, even a submissive one, should be, but on the other hand we all know that chatting/complementing for too long leads to them eventually saying:"Hey, look, had a great time and you are a wonderful guy, and I had so much fun talking to you, but... I found someone else."
And blah, blah, blah, just like that the story resets itself. All for nothing.
Now, that doesn't mean you should be ***d to meet with someone right away, but it also doesn't mean you need to play games with people as you might break the spirit of a good human being as he/she is treated the same way as an untrostworthy person. And that is when evil gets a chance.
I thought of it and sincerely believe it's all those dating apps that make the entry and the exit as easy as possible so danger can slide through, hidden behind all "goodness" (kind of like that fake InstaGrammy stuff that keeps coming back).
-----> In the end we make our own choices and decisions, and we need to make sure that if we try something, especially kinky stuff you cannot get out of, that we trust the situation and the person 100 %. Not 98 % or 99.7 %, no, only the full 100 %.
That being said, FET could maybe also try a litte better of being less premium and more safe... But it's all about the ***. And sometimes, unfortunately, *** beats safety.

The first part of your comment refers to women rejecting guys after a while. Look I'm sorry but rejection is part of the process, we want to be sure there's no spark left unnoticed so that's why it seems like we "string people along" - the thing is and if you really think about it, it's the truth. So a woman walks into a bar literally with the sole thought "I want a drink" then starts to choose a drink, when that woman walks into the pub, there's at least a few men that turn to look at her, their first thought being "would I shag her?" Men always tend to think of sex first whether he can procreate with her, it's natural instinct, males instincts are to spread their seed (breeding kinks etc) but the thing is, that, that man wouldn't be able to "shag" her unless SHE gives him the green light, sometimes we can give the green light straight away, other times we need a bit of time to vet someone before we say "actually I'm sorry I'm not going to waste you're time anymore and good luck, not that you need it!" - we aren't playing games or being horrible for wanting the best for us as well.
If you're getting sick of rejection then I suggest taking a break from dating apps entirely for a while because it very much sounds to me like you have an issue with people telling you they aren't interested. As a guy you are allowed to say you aren't interested anymore but then we're going back to the pub situation. A woman could have 50 men talking to her all at once, she's spoilt for choice and even in those 50 men she won't find one she's attracted to, you need to understand that sometimes we have a lot of choice and you could be one of those guys that gets uppity and says "oh I'm not interested if you're gonna take x amount of time to reply - clearly not interested" buuut you just inadvertently made yourself look impatient, needy and insecure, that's going to put her off even more, she's definitely not going to want to be involved with you now so it's literally a case of do you tell her you're done waiting for her or do you wait for her to reject you with a small likelihood she might just wanna see where it goes, you're gonna go for the latter if you haven't much to choose from (in terms of how many ladies are talking to you) so it's pretty much swings and roundabouts on that one. But you absolutely cannot moan about women "playing games" when this IS the game and men and women alike both play it, not just women!

Nothing more to add, just came back to say 'owned' 😂
Excuse me ma’am, but how does one hide the details on one’s current location. I’ve been stalked in the past, and I don’t want history repeating itself. On the other dating apps, I had to shrug and bear it, that it’ll be displayed, at least whilst one is using these apps.
19 minutes ago, warners-bay748 said:
Excuse me ma’am, but how does one hide the details on one’s current location. I’ve been stalked in the past, and I don’t want history repeating itself. On the other dating apps, I had to shrug and bear it, that it’ll be displayed, at least whilst one is using these apps.

What you can do is select a town or city NEAR your hometown or city, or you can go into your settings and switch of LIVE location, it should be under "edit profile" and there's a flick box, flick it off and you're golden 😁 I've just done it myself cause someone reminded me my location was on

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