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Quickly Or Slowly

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We’ve all been there at some point in life
The feeling of relaxation, sometimes adrenaline maybe exhilarating or even sometimes shame
Yes you’ve guessed it I’m talking about cuming or having an orgasm whatever you want to call it;

My question is do you prefer to reach the goal quicker or slower
it depends on what she looks like?, but slower with a good loking one,
Does it matter if you're both left satisfied at the end of the activity?
Us men make a big deal out of how quickly we cum, which may be shame/embarassment if we cum what we perceive as too quickly, or as a source of misplaced pride and almost boasting if we last a long time.
Yet in the greater scheme of things it doesn't really matter so long as everyone concerned ends up smiling and satisfied - cumming doesn't have to be the end of anything, if we do cum quick there are other ways to satisfy a partner while we continue and possibly take time to recover for round two.
Sure there are some out there who may get frustrated if you cum too quickly, but a lot of the time that frustration comes out of it signalling the end, rather than just a part of play.
I can cum quite quickly at times, particularly through penetrative sex, so I've learned to find other ways to pleasure a partner when it does happen, or to recognise the signals that it's going to happen and take steps to delay things by removing attention from me and focusing on my partner.
Ultimately though it's nothing to be ashamed about or to boast about.
Slower is always way better. Dragging out the sensation, keeping the climax an uncertainty.
Slow journey with a quick finish
In general slower. However, as someone who actively enjoys outdoor & risque public fun, sometimes the goal really does have to be reached quicker, no matter how much I'm enjoying myself - the thrill & the risk often help to achieve that though.
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