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So be honest, what am I doing wrong?


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I would eat goats with you under a bridge bro
Ay I'm with you bro same here!! 💯 don't stress keep digging through the dirt til you find your gem

Okay so I cheked your profile and I agree with Char.


The ad to me just screamed NO. I wanted to click off but then remembered I wasn't reading for anything other than the means of this post. 


The "what God gave you", "dress according to body type", "make up and perfume is a must". 

I was internally screaming. Sorry but I was thinking this is awful. 

I'd for one not reply to an ad like that.


Reading on the profile, you say this.

"I am rather old fashioned in my views on the roles of men and women" 

Had it not been the ad, this is what would make me genuinely concerned. And I would click off the profile. 

I mean, great you've been honest about it, but I come from a place thats "old fashioned in the roles of men and women" and to me it's closed minded, toxic and scary. 

This is my God's honest opinion. I wouldn't feel like I could be Me, based off what you've detailed in your requirements / bio.

But, I am sure there's maybe someone into that. Good luck!


This is not a serious app. It’s overrun with Russian men running catfish scams and prostitution of the most blatant kind. Some prostitutes have realized that they can call it ‘findom’ and avoid a lot of scrutiny for *** of kink shaming. Scammers can be identified by usernames like ‘Carrie953’ & ‘Slutgirl914’ OR a random combination of four English words like ‘turkeyautopurpleillness Women are not usually prone to first contact so if a totally hot woman with no description in her profile messages you and wants to f**k right now? Probably gonna be a scam account. Finally, if she is in a hurry to move to another platform to chat? She’s probably a he named Sergei and he doesn’t live anywhere near you. If you don’t know ask them to send a clothed selfie touching…I don’t know an eyebrow. If they are real you’ll get your verification and if not you just avoided another MASSIVE waste of time, effort, & libido.

Scrap the bio, little detailed leave more up to the imagination… especially when it comes to old school views. And when you do get replies, take time to get to know them as a person then as a kinkster and let it build real slow, days and weeks I mean. Good luck shrek, I hope you find your freaky Fiona
Try not to put so much hope in any of these dating apps. The majority of the profiles on here are scammers. Then there's women who are only on them for either validation, or to sell stuff. The fraction of women on them who are serious about meeting someone are usually inundated with messages from other men so it's easy for them to overlook you because they just have too many options or messages to weed through. The chances of actually meeting someone on any of these apps, especially free ones, is very very slim. Don't let it get to you.
Trim down the info on your profile, also I recommend using a timer on your phone's camera instead of the mirror selfie.

Additionally have the second photo be of you engaged in some kind of activity.
20 minutes ago, fuckylager said:
Scrap the bio, little detailed leave more up to the imagination… especially when it comes to old school views. And when you do get replies, take time to get to know them as a person then as a kinkster and let it build real slow, days and weeks I mean. Good luck shrek, I hope you find your freaky Fiona

Sure. That is an approach that might work. But I think a long bio is fine too, depending on who you are trying to attract. I agree with almost everything else fl said.

You come across as sexist. I wouldn’t reply to you
4 minutes ago, adoreSally said:
You come across as sexist. I wouldn’t reply to you

Your bio says "female supremacy" yet you're calling others sexist? 😆🤡

I’d like to add that a lot of the men in the comments are using “this is not a serious app, most of the women are fake” as a reason they don’t get replies. The problem is you and the only reason you’re saying that is to make yourself feel better about no woman being interested. It’s not the app, it’s you
3 minutes ago, Jasoninmesa said:

Your bio says "female supremacy" yet you're calling others sexist? 😆🤡

Yes. I stand by it. Call me sexist if you like but I have loads of men who enjoy it

4 hours ago, spadeDs said:
Question:. Do you have layers? Because ogres have layers.

Lots of layers! Just like an onion

3 hours ago, seattle618 said:
I would eat goats with you under a bridge bro

Dude I am down! Let's do this!

I’m going to give my honest critic of your profile in terms of what may be a cause of this.

The views on gender roles and your age is a major turn off probably for most of the women, and the two photos provided aren’t the most flattering no matter what looks you have it’s just the enviroment it’s taken in that isn’t good due to the first photo being a public bathroom in poor lighting with a slightly poor fitting suit that is badly buttoned (the top and middle button should be buttoned rather than only the top or with two buttons usually it’s accepted to button both in etiquette). While I love the Smiths shirt in your second photo the cluttered background and the angle do you more harm than justice. The shirt not being flat and readable also is a detriment. Rather than taking them on a phone sometimes hiring a photographer or a friend who knows how to do photography to at least hold your phone for you as you pose in proper lighting and attire would make your profile a lot more attractive, as well as another tougher recommendation with how you present your views to yourself and others where you play out the more chauvinistic dated gender roles in the bedroom and contain them to that alone. While I can’t ask you to change your core opinions and being for a dating app I think being more open to different power dynamics would improve your chances of finding someone who fits your parameters and is into you.
4 hours ago, RopesAndBallgag said:
I don’t think your look has anything to do with the lack of response, and I don’t know your approach. The only thing I can think of is, I cannot think of any dominant or master “crying” for this kind of help. I’m not going to tell you a method in order to get replies, because there is no method. Instead, I’ll tell you how I proceed when I’m unhappy with the result I obtain, and you can do what you want with my words.
First of all, I’d ask myself: what is my priority? Obtaining a reply? A contact? A date? Action? In my case the answer is: be myself. I have my style, take it or leave it. Contact, date, they are not at the first place of the rank. What use would it be if, in order to get a reply, I have to be different than I truly am? Sooner or later, my truly self will pop up anyways, so: better don’t hide it and live with it.

I don’t like to show when I’m hurt or in difficulty. I might speak of it with someone really close to me. But making a public issue of my trouble… doesn’t sound like a dominant trait to me. Get yourself together, man. 😉

Just my 5 cents.

I agree with you on a lot of your points but this really wasn't a cry for help, it was more of a me trying to learn and improve myself...which I think is a very human thing to do dominant or otherwise.

2 hours ago, adoreSally said:
You come across as sexist. I wouldn’t reply to you

I can assure you that I am not sexist, and if I came across that way, could you maybe throw me a few pointers on how to re-word things while still getting my point across?

3 hours ago, Finally_Jen said:

Okay so I cheked your profile and I agree with Char.


The ad to me just screamed NO. I wanted to click off but then remembered I wasn't reading for anything other than the means of this post. 


The "what God gave you", "dress according to body type", "make up and perfume is a must". 

I was internally screaming. Sorry but I was thinking this is awful. 

I'd for one not reply to an ad like that.


Reading on the profile, you say this.

"I am rather old fashioned in my views on the roles of men and women" 

Had it not been the ad, this is what would make me genuinely concerned. And I would click off the profile. 

I mean, great you've been honest about it, but I come from a place thats "old fashioned in the roles of men and women" and to me it's closed minded, toxic and scary. 

This is my God's honest opinion. I wouldn't feel like I could be Me, based off what you've detailed in your requirements / bio.

But, I am sure there's maybe someone into that. Good luck!

Thank You for your honesty, and taking time to chime in, I don't feel toxic and I don't want to push an agenda, the whole 1950's dynamic is a kink and one that I enjoy. If I came across as sexist or toxic, do you have any suggestions as to how I could rephrase things so that they would be more palatable to the masses? I posted this thread with a genuine desire to learn and improve.

4 hours ago, Lady_Char said:
I will be honest, your personal ad is extremely off putting to me personally... Comments about dressing for what God gave you and hygiene? Condescending. Your profile looks fine tho, and there's nothing wrong with your picture

I struggled with the wording in the ad, and including that bit....but after a few terrible encounters with bad hygiene and not looking like they cared at all about their appearance I included it. Is there a way that I could say that and be less offensive but still get my point across?

2 hours ago, adoreSally said:
You come across as sexist. I wouldn’t reply to you

Ditto what my mans said. Might be a case of "The pot calling the kettle black." 🤡

4 hours ago, Bigjim8541 said:
Depends on what kind of women you are messaging. We (guys) know what kind of women will connect with us. You have to think about that too. If you are messaging a woman who is rated at a 10. She has the pick of the pool. But with that being said, I have been surprised with some of the hot women that have responded to me. So keep attempting that angle. Other than that, you may want to lower your standards.

We (guys) are a dime a dozen! You are a guppy, mixed in a pool of thousands of other guppies and barracuda. I cannot tell you how many messages I have sent out without a response. Best thing I can recommend is to continue sending out messages. Sure, it would be nice to get a response of no thanks. But I can see why women do not. I have spoken to women who have done that. Then they get the dude demanding to know why, dudes can't handle the rejection and then they go into name calling. So there is that possibility for a reason of women not responding.

Then think about when you write these women. What are you saying? Maybe you need to sell yourself and write something that is going to get their attention and have a desire to respond to you. Try a different approach in what you write. But you have to make that count, because that is your only chance! One shot. If you don't sell yourself on why she would want to respond. Then you have lost out.

Just my opinions. Take it for what it's worth and good luck.

I agree with you on all points, when I am sending these messages it's usually a compliment and then asking about something on their profile...I never jump straight into the hey baby let's get it on type of thing, but it's nice to hear that I'm not the only one with these struggles.

2 hours ago, DFEllis said:

Sure. That is an approach that might work. But I think a long bio is fine too, depending on who you are trying to attract. I agree with almost everything else fl said.

If you leave too much to the imagination, I'll choose not to imagine it. I think the bio is a good length.

But yes, perhaps the old school views could go or be more subtly phrased.

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