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Distance, how far is too far?


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So the chances of chatting with someone on here and them being on your doorstep are remote. Yes of course that does happen and they are the lucky ones. But how far would you travel to maintain a dynamic?

I travel 100miles to see my Dom - if it’s the right dynamic then it becomes less of a chore imho

I live in Missouri, USA and one of my exes lived in Toronto, Canada
I'd go 100 miles or 2 hours......as long as it was overnight
Just saying hey so I can follow and respond when I'm more awake.

for me.... it depends on the context of the dynamic

I have put in quite some time and distance to see people - and know that I certainly will again.

It depends on how often we'd reasonably want to see each other. Whether it's always going to be more doing the travelling or if it will split.   

I think it'd have to be mainland UK - but then, we'd see.   

I'd fly, if someone else was paying
These days of budget airlines and the like the only real limit is affordability, especially if both people are willing to meet somewhere in the middle.
Where I live in the UK most of the country can be covered, with up to a three hour journey each way for both people if meeting in the middle.
Philosophical wise I don’t care about distance, but I think it comes down to everyone’s situation. With traveling for my job and having 1/2 time custody of kids, my limit is about an hour. Definitely makes it harder to find that special someone! Good luck man!

My most recent ex lived around two hours' travel away... if the person is right and the distance is commutable, it oughtn't matter and I'd make the attempt so long as there was regular honest contact by phone/message whilst we were apart.

It isn't as ideal as when a partner is on your doorstep, but then again proximity is no guarantee of greater shared time/availability anyway.

I wouldn't really travel more than an hour unless there was an extremely strong connection and felt it worth my while.
About 2hrs for me, id like to actually see them often as possible, the further away the less that happens.
I can't travel because of my financial situation and responsibilities. I prefer them to be able to come here. So I primarily look for guys in Norway
Well me and my long distance boyfriend are almost 2,000 miles apart
I would say that a drive of about an hour and a half isn't too bad to make regularly, as long as schedules line up right to make the trip at least as long as the time spent in the car. But at the same time I've met people I was not willing to walk across a room for so it's kind of case by case.
For me at this stage it would have to be something I could travel on a daily basis if I wanted to. So around 100ish miles each way possibly. Possibly longer distance if spending significant time like weekends together and flights become a viable option.
But that's just because of the physical needs of my future relationship(s?) Due to my past.
If you have a connection then no distance is too far
I love road trips and weekends away. For the right connection, I'll travel up to 200 miles (or 4 hr radius). Generally, during the week, I'd say 50 to 100 miles.
I would say it would depend on the type of connection you are looking for. Purely sexual FWB within 50 . Emotional connection, probably around the same for me. If I do chose to build a connection that was more than just friends, I would want said person to be close.
I travel 5000 miles to Europe to see my sub/slave every two months. Worth the distance and *** I spend.
me living in nyc: yeahhh, I'm gonna need them to live in my Borough, maybe even neighborhood. or we'll never see each other. 😂
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