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First dates?


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Putt putt golf is always fun for a date.
A mutually enjoyed activity, or just grabbing a coffee and going for a pretty walk and chat, they've always been my favourite.
Somewhere you won't be overheard 😅
I always enjoy going bowling 🎳
Have a bit of fun and friendly competition first
Perhaps the arcade, sport.
Coffee date! Casual and easy. And who doesn’t love coffee!

it genuinely depends on what you're both into 

coffee shop can be casual
restaurant sometimes more formal

beach, bowling, crazy golf, etc can be fun

dinner and a movie does mean if nothing else you can talk about the movie afterwards 

Try a hike. Get some sweat and flow going. That way you both are required to shower and freshen up before the evening activities. You never want to smell each other’s all day dew. Uncleanliness is my deal breaker.
5 minutes ago, williamsdave said:

it genuinely depends on what you're both into
coffee shop can be casual
restaurant sometimes more formal
beach, bowling, crazy golf, etc can be fun
dinner and a movie does mean if nothing else you can talk about the movie afterwards

I don't half get a sense of de ja vous from this post 

Go to the zoo! It is the perfect first date. Conversation around cute ***s is so easy and breaks any tension
You can’t be a nice sunset walk on the beach
Coffee shop, safe, public, rarely leads to intimacy (unlike the potential of a bar).
Based on trial and error, I first have at least two phone conversations before meeting. If both parties are still feeling the 'warm and fuzzies' first date meet for a libation or similar. Anything that if necessary can conclude quickly. One of most uncomfortable and awkward life experiences is going on a first date to most of the recommendations above and one or both people are just not 'feelin the love' yet still having to endure another the rest of the date. Look, if after the libation things are moving in the right erection you can extend it to dinner or a walk etc.
If things are moving on in the right erection you'd best extend it straight to the bedroom 😂😂😂
41 minutes ago, Rogu said:
If things are moving on in the right erection you'd best extend it straight to the bedroom 😂😂😂

not bad Rog... not bad

Eat out at the y and Uranus 🤨😂😂😂😂
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