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Guys, It’s ok to be angry. Just put it where it belongs


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10 minutes ago, BadBoy-94 said:

Gem, with all due respect, all I am reading from her OP is "if a woman treats you rudely, you should be angry at the people from her past who have made her like that and not her". And others on this post who have opposed her thoughts agree, too. 

Three of you have continually shouted down anyone and everyone who has a different viewpoint to yourselves
Three of you have repeatedly shown us what you stand for
Three of you have demonstrated why women behave the way they do
Three of you have demonstrated the misogynistic behaviour that many of us call out every day and have exampled here.
Three of you have shown us why OP's like this and others are written
Three of you.
It's not a majority vote at all I'm afraid

Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Three of you have continually shouted down anyone and everyone who has a different viewpoint to yourselves
Three of you have repeatedly shown us what you stand for
Three of you have demonstrated why women behave the way they do
Three of you have demonstrated the misogynistic behaviour that many of us call out every day and have exampled here.
Three of you have shown us why OP's like this and others are written
Three of you.
It's not a majority vote at all I'm afraid

I think the correct version is this...


Three of us have continuously called you out for your OP, specifically the idea that "women's poor behavior towards strangers is the fault of men from her past". 

Three of us have repeatedly shown you all that we won't stand for being treated as second-class citizens by women who are rude and disrespectful, solely because we are men. 

Three of us have only stated that women should not take out their anger on all men because of the bad actions of a few men in the past. And vice versa, of course.

Three of us have only demonstrated the fairness behavior we expect, and that we shouldn't be pre-emptively be treated as second class citizens solely because "some men" have done some bad actions in the past. 

Three of us have shown us why OP is just a man-bashing post with a bunch of euphemisms like "guarded", etc., etc. 

Majority or not, not everyone agrees with your OP.

Edited by BadBoy-94
1 minute ago, BadBoy-94 said:

I think the correct version is this...


Three of us have continuously called you out for your OP, specifically the idea that "women's poor behavior towards strangers is the fault of men from her past". 

Three of us have repeatedly shown you all that we won't stand for being treated as second-class citizens by women who are rude and disrespectful, solely because we are men. 

Three of us have only stated that women should not take out their anger on all men because of the bad actions of a few men in the past. And vice versa, of course.

Three of us have only demonstrated the fairness behavior we expect, and that we shouldn't be pre-emptively be treated as second class citizens solely because "some men" have done some bad actions in the past. 

Three of us have shown us why OP is just a man-bashing post with a bunch of euphemisms like "guarded", etc., etc. 

Majority or not, not everyone agrees with your OP.

Can someone please find me a time machine, I feel like I'm in the 1800's and I need to get back home.

3 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Can someone please find me a time machine, I feel like I'm in the 1800's and I need to get back home.

Quiet wench! Go scrub my pantiloons and stop your grubby complaining!!!😂 now wheres my wig 🤔

7 minutes ago, PJ3000 said:

Quiet wench! Go scrub my pantiloons and stop your grubby complaining!!!😂 now wheres my wig 🤔

Can I first finish darning your socks? How will you go to work come Monday without socks? How will you earn a wage without work? How will I put food on the table for you and our 10 sproglets? How will we keep a roof over our heads? We'd be out on the streets and and will succumb to the Black Death in no time!
Act quickly good man, put me in a workhouse my hysteria is clearly a sign of my madness!

6 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Can I first finish darning your socks? How will you go to work come Monday without socks? How will you earn a wage without work? How will I put food on the table for you and our 10 sproglets? How will we keep a roof over our heads? We'd be out on the streets and and will succumb to the Black Death in no time!
Act quickly good man, put me in a workhouse my hysteria is clearly a sign of my madness!

Good idea!.. to the workhouse with you!! You and your.. your 'independent thoughts'!! Maybe the devil will leave you alone and stop using you as his mouthpiece if you do an honest God ***ing days hard labour!!

I can just buy more socks because I am a man and I get paid more than you 🧐😂

10 minutes ago, PJ3000 said:

Good idea!.. to the workhouse with you!! You and your.. your 'independent thoughts'!! Maybe the devil will leave you alone and stop using you as his mouthpiece if you do an honest God ***ing days hard labour!!

I can just buy more socks because I am a man and I get paid more than you 🧐😂

You're so kind, good Sir, too kind to a gutter rat like myself.
The Workhouse will surely stop all these silly thoughts in my silly little head and, if they don't, if I continue to speak of that which I do not know, please kindly burn me at the stake!!


I haven't even seen the whole thread. I have however added to the original 5 and now have a chauvinistic block list of 10 to show for it. It seems to be growing. As a long time feminist im really sad for feminism and women in general. I appreciate it's a minority and is not reflective of most women. I also acknowledge there are males attaching to the 5 by liking every post and encouraging it.

As someone who has always taken inspiration from strong inspiring women (Nicola Sturgeon whom I vote for example) and other personal role models like my last 2 career bosses were both female including a female mentor, I feel so sad right now, not just for men but for women. I refuse to let the 5's agenda and ulterior motives change or cloud my outlook. Women are fantastic, women can be and are inspiring and great leaders, and role models who contribute to society. I have seen it and experienced it first hand. Just not on here quite regrettably.

4 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

You're so kind, good Sir, too kind to a gutter rat like myself.
The Workhouse will surely stop all these silly thoughts in my silly little head and, if they don't, if I continue to speak of that which I do not know, please kindly burn me at the stake!!

😂 sounds good to me oh lady of disrepute..though I'm not a fan of burning.. i shall however affix you to the rack and give you a good stretch!!

5 minutes ago, PJ3000 said:

😂 sounds good to me oh lady of disrepute..though I'm not a fan of burning.. i shall however affix you to the rack and give you a good stretch!!

Well now, that sounds like a perfect idea

9 minutes ago, Shirt-n-Tie-Boy said:

I haven't even seen the whole thread. I have however added to the original 5 and now have a chauvinistic block list of 10 to show for it. It seems to be growing. As a long time feminist im really sad for feminism and women in general. I appreciate it's a minority and is not reflective of most women. I also acknowledge there are males attaching to the 5 by liking every post and encouraging it.

As someone who has always taken inspiration from strong inspiring women (Nicola Sturgeon whom I vote for example) and other personal role models like my last 2 career bosses were both female including a female mentor, I feel so sad right now, not just for men but for women. I refuse to let the 5's agenda and ulterior motives change or cloud my outlook. Women are fantastic, women can be and are inspiring and great leaders, and role models who contribute to society. I have seen it and experienced it first hand. Just not on here quite regrettably.

Aaah jeez, I have a feeling that list will grow.. I'm left wondering how large it will get before you contemplate a different view perhaps.. still, I've wasted enough time arguing with people who don't want to engage so I'm going to go and be more productive.. for what its worth I don't wish any harm or foul to anyone here, your world view is baffling to me but whatever.. enjoy your evening 🤘


Hello! It’s so awesome to meet all you girls on Fet. I feel like I have so much to add to The Feminist Conversation. Since I’m a man who’s also a feminist. I’ll go first. Well, I’m disheartened with the way girl’s voices are being silenced on social media and horrified at how they’re being disrespected in online spaces. Truly, a girl can’t go anywhere these days without some weirdo telling her what to think and say.

Hush. I’m still talking.

Hell, the situation even embarrasses me, and I’m not even a female, just a man who’s also a feminist. (Did I mention that I’m a feminist yet?) However, I’ve been interrupted three times since I started talking, by girls who insist they’ve been exposed to this kind of silencing for decades, and not only in the last year or so, as I said earlier.

Honestly, men just can’t say anything about girl’s lives on social media without being corrected by a girl. Since I'm a man who’s also a feminist, I have a lot to say about this situation, and if girls like you keep correcting me, I’ll just stop sharing my opinions as a feminist male who is also a feminist.

Seriously, if you don’t want any allies, keep on telling men that they’re wrong. THEN we’ll see how far you girls can get with this feminist thing without men’s help. I’m hardly the type to tell sexist jokes or perpetuate *** culture, so you’re preaching to the choir. If you feel the need to blow off steam, find a more appropriate man to target.

Shush. I said I was still talking.

A girl’s insistence on dominating the feminist conversation is exactly why feminism never gets anywhere.

It’s not as though I don’t know what girls face online these days. I have a plenty of girls who are my friends, you know. Besides, correcting me is a strange way to respond to someone you disagree with, don’t you think? That sort of thing just makes me want to not say anything, and did you know that silence is a killer? Well, it is. Fault-finding everyone’s comments doesn’t encourage my engagement, so why not just let my ignorance go for the sake of the greater cause: preventing women from being silenced on social media
Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, Shirt-n-Tie-Boy said:

I haven't even seen the whole thread. I have however added to the original 5 and now have a chauvinistic block list of 10 to show for it. It seems to be growing. As a long time feminist im really sad for feminism and women in general. I appreciate it's a minority and is not reflective of most women. I also acknowledge there are males attaching to the 5 by liking every post and encouraging it.

So "The 5" consist of:

- Doorknob

- GoodGirlBetterBrat


 - PJ3000

And who is the last weirdo? I wonder if it's Gemini-man. Or is it Aranhis? My intuition tells me it's Aranhis who likes everything that OP says, no matter how much it goes against his integrity and morals. 

But at least they are roleplaying some weird ass 1800's marriage. As long as they aren't spewing lies and mass-hysteria about toxic masculinity and how women have a God given right to treat every man as if he is a potential sexual predator, I am fine with them continuing their weird ass roleplay. :)


Edited by BadBoy-94
1 hour ago, CopperKnob said:

Three of you have continually shouted down anyone and everyone who has a different viewpoint to yourselves
Three of you have repeatedly shown us what you stand for
Three of you have demonstrated why women behave the way they do
Three of you have demonstrated the misogynistic behaviour that many of us call out every day and have exampled here.
Three of you have shown us why OP's like this and others are written
Three of you.
It's not a majority vote at all I'm afraid

Oooh there's the 5 (or is it 10) and now there's the 3 - either way the weight of opinion and all that 🤣😂

I put my anger into that pulsating artery deep instead my head that will one day burst, releasing the anger, while simultaneously destroying my ability to experience it. Perfect system, right? JK, jk...I think.
5 minutes ago, BadBoy-94 said:

So "The 5" consist of:

- Doorknob

- GoodGirlBetterBrat


 - PJ3000

And who is the last weirdo? I wonder if it's Gemini-man. Or is it Aranhis? My intuition tells me it's Aranhis who likes everything that OP says, no matter how much it goes against his integrity and morals. 

But at least they are roleplaying some weird ass 1800's marriage. As long as they aren't spewing lies and mass-hysteria about toxic masculinity and how women have a God given right to treat every man as if he is a potential sexual predator, I am fine with them continuing their weird ass roleplay.


Aaah man i was just going and then you had to name drop me (honoured by the way😁)
It seems Everything.. and I mean everything really is flying over the top of you're wonderfully kept head of hair (totally not jealous 😶). Even our weird ass 1800s role play.
You just dont get it but that's fine, I'm done arguing, simply just acknowledging my new found fame 😁

3 minutes ago, PJ3000 said:

Aaah man i was just going and then you had to name drop me (honoured by the way😁)
It seems Everything.. and I mean everything really is flying over the top of you're wonderfully kept head of hair (totally not jealous 😶). Even our weird ass 1800s role play.
You just dont get it but that's fine, I'm done arguing, simply just acknowledging my new found fame 😁

I'm just jealous that I'm a "might be" 🤣😂

1 minute ago, gemini_man said:

I'm just jealous that I'm a "might be" 🤣😂

We can be a 6, I quite like our group of weirdo's. I feel I'm in good company and definitely company I would have chosen for myself.

1 minute ago, CopperKnob said:

We can be a 6, I quite like our group of weirdo's. I feel I'm in good company and definitely company I would have chosen for myself.

Well it was up to ten at the last count so maybe I'm in after all 😂🤣

5 hours ago, BadBoy-94 said:

GoodgirlBetterBrat, nobody is telling you to be stupid. I don't walk around with my Rolex watch and in my suit in a back alley in downtown at 1 A.M. as an example. Obviously, trust your gut instinct. But being rude to all strangers for no reason is what I was arguing against.

All I was saying is that most men are sick and tired of this constant man-bashing bullshit and being labeled as toxic  for no reason other than our gender.... 

And no, we don't feel "threatened" by your behavior. At most, most of us level-headed men just gonna ignore you. And we won't be the ones to cry "Why can't I find a good man?". ;)

And your ex broke into your house? Wow, I think your taste in men says more about you than your posts....  

It's not your gender at all it's for the way SOME men ACT, the way they approach people. I have had it to as a transgender person. What is being bashed it's the lack of manners, respect, attitude of entitlement. We as people are allowed boundries it keeps us all safe SOME women are just as bad scammers for example. 

And your last comment about GoodGirlBetterBrat's is disgusting blaming her for him braking into her house. Sounds very narcissistic to me.

6 minutes ago, gemini_man said:

I'm just jealous that I'm a "might be" 🤣😂

Quiet B-lister.. your place isn't secure yet.. your woke White Knight credentials are not quite up to par yet.. quite frankly I'm upset with how little you've acknowledged your own lack of man worth in the presence of our Copper saviour (shiny be they name) ... we're having a meeting later.. we'll let you know.

1 minute ago, PJ3000 said:

Quiet B-lister.. your place isn't secure yet.. your woke White Knight credentials are not quite up to par yet.. quite frankly I'm upset with how little you've acknowledged your own lack of man worth in the presence of our Copper saviour (shiny be they name) ... we're having a meeting later.. we'll let you know.

Too late *** CopperKnob already said I'm in 🤣😂

1 minute ago, PJ3000 said:

Quiet B-lister.. your place isn't secure yet.. your woke White Knight credentials are not quite up to par yet.. quite frankly I'm upset with how little you've acknowledged your own lack of man worth in the presence of our Copper saviour (shiny be they name) ... we're having a meeting later.. we'll let you know.

Wait, this morning he was a simp? Let's not give him an identity crisis to add to his uncertainty as to whether he's 'in' or not 🤣

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