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Women that peg men


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My girl wants to try, I’m just tryin to get my head around it… help lol
It's not your head that needs to get around "it" 😉

is this something you particularly want to try with her?  you can say no

if you are interested in trying - then start slow.  you can get assorted beginners kits and start with maybe just fingers the first couple of times or small toys 

Yeah seriously though, start small, lots of lubrication, don't be afraid to say you don't like it, if you're not enjoying it
Yeah that's not really an acquired taste. If you don't like all the other aspects of femdom you probably shouldn't do it.
As the others have said first up *you* need to want to do it for *you* - not just because your girlfriend wants to - if you do want to do it, then slowly is the way to go, very slowly. You can never use too much lube either.
One thing not mentioned is to ensure you are clean down there before starting - anal douches are cheap and easy to use and will actually help get you used to something being inserted there.
Only do it if you want too. If you tense up it will be come harder to do. Use plenty of lube. Shower first and douche. Lots of communication if your not enjoying it then say so. It's not for everyone and start small don't go big first
Besides lube and cleaning, maybe start with prostate massages with first fingers and then you can go to prostate massanger than pegging. There is research out there that prostate massages are good for male health so think that way. Also, prostate cums feel different than regular cums but not all guys can climax that way so just be aware of that too. My Dom and I have only got a small prostate cum out of 5 tries so we will continue to see if it helps.
This is how it felt as a woman to discover what happens during sex! They say to give is to receive, but it’s also good to switch 😉
I've only had one girlfriend that would do it and that was 18 yrs ago. After you get past the taboo of it it's great.
It's amazing but you have to start off slow and work it up.
If you can relax it feels amazing. Lots of lube!
I definitely think you should try it if your girlfriend wants too. There’s no shame in having her fuck your ass!
17 minutes ago, fort-worth965 said:
I definitely think you should try it if your girlfriend wants too. There’s no shame in having her fuck your ass!

While I agree there's no shame in it - why *should* he try it because his girlfriend wants to? If he's unsure or undecided then it shouldn't be a given that he should.

It’s amazing. Best feeling to have her breathing in your ear while it hurts a little it’s definitely perfect. Your bond changes.
nothing gay about getting pegged it feels great
Awful lot of men identifying as women for this comment section!
Practice first. Get yourself used to the way you have to relax to make it happen. Don’t just go full bore. P-spot orgasms are the best.
To each his own, definitely not for me!
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