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Obedience app


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It is just a question whether You/you heard and or are even using this app?
And if it is any good or even usefull to use?
Just happen to stumble upon it.
I've had no cause to try it myself but know of a lot of people it works for.
Comments are good. I wouldn't use it but... If it works for other ppl, good for them!
I have used it. Very helpful. There are some things i personally would change but 10/10 recommend.
It works best if both of you do the purchase. Then you can have more options. If you don’t then you still have some options. My biggest fault with it was remembering to go into the app and check off that I completed something
I have actually used it! I was in a 24/7 relationship with a submissive a few years ago. She wanted to have a very strict routine and also get more in shape too which the app seemed perfect for. It is good for setting daily tasks but the punishment/ reward side I didn’t enjoy. Kinda felt like I was doing nothing while she did all the work? Didn’t seem fair.

They other problem was there wasn't a huge amount of variety between days. Maybe that's my fault as the dom. But she knew already what she had to do everyday and we talked pretty much every second of the day too. So sometimes the app felt a little un needed? But I can see it being better for doms and subs who can't have much time to each other.
Heard of it, it wasn't a fit for me or my Dom as he had multiple subs and it was to clunky
I have used it in the past..but have found the punishment/reward section needing work...
Used it for about 3 years when my submissive moved States. It worked out great for the both of us. But now that we're together in person again I don't really have too much of a need for it anymore. Still a pretty solid little app that I would definitely recommend.
We use it. Not really as it's intended. My Dom used to use a book to keep track of my misdemeanours etc and I'd say that the rules were not clear. The app allows him to set rules and tasks and keep track of things
It’s very good and very detailed. Make sure you have an idea of tasks, rewards, and punishments that you want to implement.
My late wife and I used it. Probably not the way it was intended to be used but it worked. And my wife knew if she didn't do what was set on the app not only did i have it set up to remove reward points but I also had it set that she got punished
It's useful. Give the sub a sense she is always being watched. After all that's what they need.
I loved it because I love structure — OCD and all. Also helped me with my horrible issue of not drinking water. Kind of 😅
Wednesday at 10:00 PM, Foxter said:
I have actually used it! I was in a 24/7 relationship with a submissive a few years ago. She wanted to have a very strict routine and also get more in shape too which the app seemed perfect for. It is good for setting daily tasks but the punishment/ reward side I didn’t enjoy. Kinda felt like I was doing nothing while she did all the work? Didn’t seem fair.

They other problem was there wasn't a huge amount of variety between days. Maybe that's my fault as the dom. But she knew already what she had to do everyday and we talked pretty much every second of the day too. So sometimes the app felt a little un needed? But I can see it being better for doms and subs who can't have much time to each other.

Yeah, I liked it for the routine. It also helped keep better track of the “funishments”. Definitely was more for the sub than the dom 😅

It was a way to interact that was just my sub and I. The way I could lay down the rules and have her prove to me her subjugation was an intimacy we couldn't get anywhere else but in person, which was not realistic at all times.. so my vote is that it is good for us.
We liked the app very much for responsibility tracking as well as punishment and rewards, carrot setting so to speak. but found we need a separate app to log journal needs and feelings to keep communication on headspace open
Can I ask what is the other app you used to document?
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