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Affirmations for self love and acceptance


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Affirmations for self love and acceptance.

Choose the ones that speak to *you* and say them as often as you want! These are ones I use or have used in the past to boost my my self love and acceptance. Thought this would be a nice post on here as all we seem to get recently is a lot of unhappy people and situations. You can put these up around your place on post it notes or write them down in a book and say them out loud every day affirmations are amazing.

1. I accept myself just as I am
2. I am proud of myself for even daring to try
3. I am learning to trust my intuition
4. I know I am doing the best I can
5. I am now creating the life I love
6. I honour myself and the decisions I make
7. I choose to stop apologizing for being me
8. I am free of all limiting beliefs
9. I choose to be kind to myself
10. I have enough, I do enough, I am enough
11. I deserve love and compassion
12. I only speak kindly to myself
13. I am separate from the voice of anxiety and stress
14. I am worthy of my desires
15. I know who I am and I know my value
16. I am more than my body
17. I am beautiful and strong
18. I am happy to treat my body with respect
19. I give and receive love freely
20. I attract wonderful people into my life
21. I enjoy my own company
22. I am filled with gratitude for who I am
23. I love the person I am becoming
24. I trust myself and my feelings completely
25. I am courageous and speak my truth
26. All I need is within me
27. I am worth loving
28. I am limitless

Thank you. I’ve been forgetting to do this lately ❤️

Wow I love this ❤❤❤❤
So much I can relate to there - and so much I don't remind myself of often enough and probably should do more often
One I'd add...which is particularly pertinent for me
I am OK to put myself ahead of others when I need to
I would like to add

I have a voice and my voice matters.
Nice. Never hurts. Everyone should have the confidence the need or deserve and should never let someone make the forget their worth
  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/18/2022 at 7:31 PM, lil-monster said:

Affirmations for self love and acceptance.

Choose the ones that speak to *you* and say them as often as you want! These are ones I use or have used in the past to boost my my self love and acceptance. Thought this would be a nice post on here as all we seem to get recently is a lot of unhappy people and situations. You can put these up around your place on post it notes or write them down in a book and say them out loud every day affirmations are amazing.

1. I accept myself just as I am
2. I am proud of myself for even daring to try
3. I am learning to trust my intuition
4. I know I am doing the best I can
5. I am now creating the life I love
6. I honour myself and the decisions I make
7. I choose to stop apologizing for being me
8. I am free of all limiting beliefs
9. I choose to be kind to myself
10. I have enough, I do enough, I am enough
11. I deserve love and compassion
12. I only speak kindly to myself
13. I am separate from the voice of anxiety and stress
14. I am worthy of my desires
15. I know who I am and I know my value
16. I am more than my body
17. I am beautiful and strong
18. I am happy to treat my body with respect
19. I give and receive love freely
20. I attract wonderful people into my life
21. I enjoy my own company
22. I am filled with gratitude for who I am
23. I love the person I am becoming
24. I trust myself and my feelings completely
25. I am courageous and speak my truth
26. All I need is within me
27. I am worth loving
28. I am limitless


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