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Pegging Michael

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Are you sure you're up for this Michael?".

He nodded, "Y-yes…. I've been wanting this for so long, please fuck me".

You shivered at the way your name fell out of his mouth, name unchanging but being engulfed by a tone of want. Need.

"Ok", You moved closer to him, your hand going under his chin to lift his head up so he can face you before planting a kiss on his plush lips.

"If you want to do this then I need you to strip for me baby, can you do that for me?".

"Yes Mam".

Michael blushed as he made quick work of discarding his clothes, using his hands to shield his cock from your view.

You cooed at the cute action, "Awwww, don't be embarrassed baby, you're beautiful", You took his arms in both of your hands and tugged them lightly, "C'mon, show me how pretty you are".

You sucked in a breath when he took his hands away from himself, revealing his hard cock that was already dripping pre-cum.

"You look so beautiful boy, I can't wait to wreck you and have you squirming under me".

Michael whimpered when you said this, crossing his legs to relieve the *** he was feeling from his hard on.

You thought the gesture was endearing, and soon you found yourself working your fingers into him, getting him ready to take your "cock".

"Bend over Michael. Miss is ready to have her way with you".

"Y-yes Miss".

You sucked in a breath as Michael bent his frame over the top of his studio couch, just enough for his head to rest on the top part of the couch while his ass perked out a bit.

You admired Michael for a second, ass dripping with lube as he waited patiently for you to take him. Excitement thrummed through you as you ran your hands over his body, marveling at his milky white skin, his hole spread out just to take you. Before you knew it, you found yourself delivering a sharp slap to his ass.


Michael moaned, pushing his ass back towards you, silently begging for more, his ass cheek already getting red just the way you liked it.

"You like that baby? You like it when Miss makes your pretty little ass all red?", You didn't even wait for him to nod before you delivered a sharp slap to his other cheek, making him gasp.

"O-oh~! Please Miss. please~!".

You groaned at how needy he sounded and brought both of your hands up a bit, just to bring them down hard on Michael ass, making him scream as an even deeper shade of red colored his ass.

You loved toying with Michael like this, playing with his ass until he got so desperate for you to fuck him. He was beautiful when he was desperate, face and ass all red, looking used and fucked out without any real action being done.

"You're so loud slut, you like getting your ass played with that much?"

Michael whined, wiggling his ass a little, "Yes, I love it Miss, please fuck me now, please?".

You groaned at how needy he sounded and brought both of your hands up a bit, just to bring them down hard on Michael ass, making him scream as an even deeper shade of red colored his ass.

You loved toying with Michael like this, playing with his ass until he got so desperate for you to fuck him. He was beautiful when he was desperate, face and ass all red, looking used and fucked out without any real action being done.

"You're so loud slut, you like getting your ass played with that much?".

Michael whined, wiggling his ass a little, "Yes, I love it Miss, please fuck me now, please?".

You grunted, pinching his ass a little, "That's not good enough baby, I need you to do better than that. Beg for it. Beg for my cock".

He whimpered, slightly frustrated by your teasing but feeling so needy that he began to beg.

"Please Miss; please fuck my little ass, I need your cock in me, need it in my tight little hole, I wanna feel your cock in me. Please, please fuck me Miss".

You tell him to beg just a little more until he is trurned around to face you, tears in his eyes making him look so pretty and ***. "Suck Misses cock ready for you Michael"

"Yes Miss" as his pretty lips wrapped around your silicone cock you grab his hair running your fingers through it. Helping him suck your cock to get it nice and wet for him to take. His little gags making you smile as he needingly goes sucks your cock deeper.

You thrust making Michael gag deep. "Good Boy" now bend back over for me. As Michael lips depart your cock you squeeze them between your fingers as you lay a peck on them.

"Yes Miss."

You placed a rough hand on Michael hip and moved the silicone cock towards his entrance, watching his hole clench when the tip got close to breaching him.

He whined when you stopped, "Miss, pleaseeeee!".

At the desperate plea, you finally tore your eyes away from his hole and focused on pushing the dildo inside him. His whimpers sounded like music to your ears as you began to fill him up, hole spasming around the dildo and cock dripping pre cum onto the floor.

He let out a long drawn out moan when you were fully sheathed inside, his cock twitching from pleasure.

"Mmmmm, so fucking full Miss, your cock is filling me up so good".

"You smirked, a tinge of pride swelling up inside you, "Yeah baby?".

"Yes Miss, you feel so good".

You hummed, bringing your hand up to stroke his back, applying pressure to it, enjoying how the skin turned red at the action. "Can Miss move now baby?".

He nods, "yes".

That was all the confirmation you needed before you pulled your "cock" out of Michaels hole before shoving it back in again. Hard.

"Ah fuck-".

Hearing his strangled moan made you want to wreck him. Instead of starting off slow, you began to thrust into him quickly, feeling spurred on by the power you had.

Michaels breath was punched out of him as you started thrusting into him fast.

"F-fuck! Oh gosh, ah!".

"You like that baby boy? Like my cock pounding into you like this?", You grunted, feeling sweat collect on your body from your intense thrusting.

"Y-yes Miss! Your cock-! Your cock feels so good inside me, so big inside me", Michael broke off into a moan, looking back at you with a face that could be described as an 'Ahegao' face.

You growled at how blissed out he looked, his hair matted against his forehead, drool coming from his open mouth, and eyes rolled up into his head. Gosh, he was gonna be the death of you.

Michael moans, along with your grunts and the squelching of the lube as you moved in and out of him was driving you crazy, making you feel almost…. ***istic.

You pushed your knees into the back of Michaels, making his knees bump against the couch and leaned over his back, matting yourself against his back.

"You look so good baby boy, looking like a little slut while I'm beating you with my cock".

"Miss. Missss !", A gasp cuts him off.

You raise an eyebrow, "What? You got something to say slut?".

"I-i'm, I'm-".

"You're close? Is that what you're saying?".

"Mmm! Yes, yes Miss, I'm close! I'm gonna cum, gonna cum from your cock!'.

You looked up when you felt Michael shift and groaned as you watched tears start to prickle in his eyes.

"Not yet baby boy, you'll cum when I say you can".

"B-but Miss!".

You cut him off with a harsh slap to his ass, making him gasp, "No buts, you'll cum when I say so, but for now you're gonna hold it".

"N-no please! Please Miss, I can't-".

"You can and you will!", You growled as you brought a hand up to his hair, threading your fingers through it and tugging it hard.

He moaned loudly, "Ok Miss, fuck, ok!".

You tightened your grip on his hair and began thrusting into him faster than before. The fact that he was so close to cumming spurred you on. You were gonna make Michael a collapsed mess after youve finished with him.

You felt his body start to twitch and shake, his orgasm getting closer no doubt.

"Miss, M-m-miss I can't hold it! Please let me cum! Please, please, please!".

Hearing this, you squished him under you and brought your other hand up, wrapping it around his neck. You used the hand that was still in his hair and pulled his head back, squeezing his neck with your other hand simultaneously.

"Come on then baby boy, cum for me. Cum all over my cock like the slut you are".

You tightened your hands and kept up the fast paced thrusting, determined to bring Michael to the best orgasm of his life.

"Oh gosh! Oh shit! Shit! I'm cumming Miss! I'm cumming!

You felt Michael shudder under you as he screamed, orgasm hitting him like a freight train. His body convulsing as he bites and grips onto the pillow moaning into it like a man possessed.

You chuckled as you watched him fall apart, feeling satisfied that you were able to break him like this. "I didn't know you were a squirter baby boy. You look so good squirting for Miss".

Michael sniffled, his body wracking with shivers, "You raised an eyebrow, You ok baby boy?".

You placed a gentle hand on his back and slowly inched the strap on out of him, listening to his whimpers as you eased out.

"You did so good baby boy, made me so proud~ You hear that baby? I'm so proud of you taking it like a good boy".

You stay there for awhile longer, carding your fingers through Michaels hair before he looks up at you.

"Feel better baby?".

He nods.

"That's great~ I'm sorry if I was too rough".

"N-no, it's ok! It felt good, that was just- intense".

You smiled as his cheeks turned red and you leaned in to kiss his forehead.

He was so cute when he got embarrassed.


I enjoyed this alot ;) I would totally have maybe rimmed Micheal too teasing a little more before entering him. Yummy.

4 minutes ago, Vic1077 said:

I enjoyed this alot ;) I would totally have maybe rimmed Micheal too teasing a little more before entering him. Yummy.

Hmmm oh my so yummy indeed!! 😋... okay should not have used RN as you saying that has just sent me into a mind melt 🤍🤪😈

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