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The Pride of being submissive

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Being the Submissive part in the relationship,
doesn't mean that you're not a man or you're
weak, no you can be submissive in bed but also
have a good future, a good life, etc, you're a Sub
because you like this and you feel comfortable
with your mistress, don't let this affect your life,
be strong in life, but her Sub in the house,
because we as Men have to be like this, you have
to be kind to her to take care of her, talk with her,
make her your priority in the life, because she is
the main character in your life, you can suffer for
her, you handle her as a queen, then you will be
happy, Always make your happiness when she is
happy, because every woman deserves to be
happy and to feel like a queen, don't be a bad ass
to her, be a real man and know how to deal with a
  • 2 weeks later...
August 28, LunaNova21 said:
Love this🔥🤩


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