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I might sound ignorant but can someone tell me the stages of being collared and exact meaning. Does branding have a different meaning? This is one area I will say I'm lost.
There’s nothing official, it’s a gesture and different people handle it completely differently.

Some treat it very casually and would get a collar for their sub or slave immediately, others would consider it akin to something like a bdsm ‘engagement’; just depends on your own dynamic with your partner and how much aspirational importance you want to place on it.

Something like branding could easily serve the same purpose, provided the partner was excited about it. I think that’s the important part regardless.

there are guides sometimes go around - but how relevant this is depends on your overall dynamic


if you are at an event and you see someone wearing a collar this usually means they are submissive, and are likely to be owned / with someone.   The specific reason is personal to them, but they're otherwise unlikely to be available for play or relationships.

Aside from this.

Some people ultimately use collars as a way to signal the start/end of a scene or protocol.   That, if a collar is placed on you that you might be expected to behave in a certain way during that time - some people like this because it helps them get into a headspace


A lot then really depends on if you are in a relationship where you will earn the collar or the collar is an ultimate goal : that would often end with wearing a collar to mark you as being owned : which you may then wear all the time.    In these cases some people have more than one so they can wear something discreet during the day / at work =- and something more obvious in private or kink settings.

Branding is a permanent mark of ownership, and also very subtle so unless.you know the brand then you wont know if someone is owned.
A collar is more overt.and usually.means they are in a relationship or in a scene.
Beware the dreaded velcro collar.
My owner was talking about collating me. But there are 3 stages. And also branding. I just didn't know if there was a reason there are 3 steps or ehat they mean exactly.
Yes it firstly gets placed around your neck.... then fastened....and that’s it... think you’re reading too much into it ffs
1 hour ago, Subwolf42 said:

My owner was talking about collating me. But there are 3 stages. And also branding. I just didn't know if there was a reason there are 3 steps or ehat they mean exactly.

you are, sadly, going to have to ask him what he means.

Because different people subscribe to different structures.  

there are assorted blogs and posts that describe 6 different types of collar and I imagine these are non-exhaustive

Play Collar

Collar of Protection  (Kind of a security blanket)

Collar of Consideration  (Could be given before any dynamic)

Collar of Ownership (More an M/s but would be given right at the start - especially in Gorean)

Training Collar  (Could be given right at the start of the dynamic)

Lifetime Collar  (This is the one that is often earned)

So, you wouldn't do the immediate Ownership collar above if you're not doing Gorean.   
I hate that the answer is not a clear one but "speak to your owner" but this is something that means a lot to some people and very little to others 

1 hour ago, Subwolf42 said:
My owner was talking about collating me. But there are 3 stages. And also branding. I just didn't know if there was a reason there are 3 steps or ehat they mean exactly.

Firstly be careful with branding its forever. Theres no take backs if/when a relationship goes wrong.
Collaring can take many steps, and involve different grades of colors from a trial collar at the start, which then gets superceded by an interim as the relationship deepens, finally a full collar when both parties believe the relationship is full commited.
Much like getting married, you ststt out getting to know each other, then comes the engagement followed by the full marriage.
Also be careful of velcro collars, which are collars that go on quick and come off even quicker once the "dom" has had fun.

30 minutes ago, nottingham291 said:
Yes it firstly gets placed around your neck.... then fastened....and that’s it... think you’re reading too much into it ffs

You need to do more research and not just spout out whateveryou feel...

Here are, what many consider, the traditional 3 stages:

1-Collar of consideration
2-Training Collar
3-Formal Collar


@Subwolf42 based on what you are saying with branding I think he means this:

You first wear some sort of collar basic like a shocker.
Then you go to a full fledged collar and at the end the collar has a branding on it name of your master, sub slut something like this.

3 stages

I agree with the rest. Ask your master and mistress what is their definition and expectation. One thing for sure in my opinion is if someone is pressuring you to be collared or selling you a collar before they work/session with you …. Walk away. Just like vanillas not getting engaged before going out on a date, don’t get collared before you know the person collaring you.
The branding part would worry me the most because if it's a true branding he's talking about a permanent marking of some sort.. You need to ask more questions... if they are not will or can not answer...run away..nor walk..run
I believe that if two people think they need more then just the basic three more stages could be added.
Thank you guys. I was curious what it meant to others also. He explained the 3 steps which one guessed. First is more like a promise ring, second showing commitment to him by releasing something to him(didn't really explain) ,and then 3 is permanent(like marriage). And the branding is to mark his property forever.
If someone talked about branding me, ii would run. That's me tho.
And for the people wondering about the branding. He's talking about a tattoo proving I'm his
i just have a collar and leash for scenes and then i made my partner keep the collar part on for the rest of our date just for possession and a little bit of light *** and then they returned it. i was also wearing their ***r that's just jewelry not sexual as a little reciprocation it was fun
17 hours ago, Daddy-n-Paddy said:
The branding part would worry me the most because if it's a true branding he's talking about a permanent marking of some sort.. You need to ask more questions... if they are not will or can not answer...run away..nor walk..run

Questions like what?

I have thick leather collars to be worn at home and for play but in a long term Dom/sub relationship after we have established the terms I give my sub a “collar” in the form of a silver anklet my sub is to wear permanently as a symbol of my ownership of her. Not into branding but I would think long and hard before doing anything permanent to my sub and only as a life long commitment.
It can mean different things to different people. Which can be a problem. Clarify bit by talking together and listening to each other.
I agree with Daddy-n-Paddy about branding. What if it doesn't work out?. This is only my opinion, and heard from others over the years. We don't like seeing any tattoos, branding or anything Ex's on our new man/woman. We just don't say anything to be polite.
Questions like what his thoughts are about the "branding" you already asked the important one.. of how he was going to brand you.. but also you need to ask if with the "brand" if you have a way out if things go sideways..


You're young, don't do anything permanent unit you have a VERY well established relationship, like years.. take the time

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