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There are no standards in terms of collar stages. Some people dont even have them. But there are many types of collars Ive seen out there, like training collars, probationary collars, protection collars, normal collars of ownership. So it depends. Your best bet is to talk to the person who owns the collar. You should be fully informed of what you are getting yourself into BEFORE accepting a collar.

And brands, are permanent. Obviously. I would wait until after a couple years of being with someome before thinking about getting one.
There really are no set stages of being collared, the meaning is normally to show ownership in some form. I have played with people that like a collar on during play to show they are mine and are willingly submitting to me. I’m in a relationship with a collared sub now, she likes to have a collar on 24/7. I made her a silver day collar she can easily keep on and it not be obvious. We also have some play collars for when something a little stronger is needed :)
We had a very simple collaring ceremony, just me and her in a shepherds hut next to an open fire one evening while we were on holiday together.
It can be what ever you want it to be, don’t rush into anything, talk about any rules your Dom would like to impose on you especially if it’s a 24/7 things.
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