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Misconception or misfit?

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I often get the feeling here that im not a good fit.
For me my kink is a part of my life but I feel like most ppl here feel like life is a part of their kink.
How dominant is your kink just wondering
I hear you! But it's also understandable that when you get a real taste of "the kink life" you can't go back to vanilla.
Only 2 people not on the site know about this side of me lol
10 minutes ago, scufitarosie said:
I hear you! But it's also understandable that when you get a real taste of "the kink life" you can't go back to vanilla.

I respect you oppinion but this is not the case for me i love both i love to tie my partner down and dominate her but i also lile to be extremely romatic

For me personally I differenciate between edroom play and normal life. In my normal life I take care of everything but when it comes to kinky stuff in the bedroom... ^_-
It depends on how we use our kinks. Many of us are very private and reserved. Some prefer to be more transparent in life. Each are personal preferences.
One thing you have to keep in mind, is that when people are communicating about their kinks on here, for many of us, its the only place where we can open up about our kinks. So it can come across as though our kinks are the biggest part of our life, but everyone on here is out there living their normal lives as well.

And even if im wrong, so what? All are welcome. Does kink run your life? Come on in.
Only like to dabble? Come on in.
Are you vanilla? You're just as welcome.

I won't pretend like I've been on here super long, but from what I can tell, the only way you can be an outcast on here is by being rude and not respecting people.
39 minutes ago, LordKanyon said:

I respect you oppinion but this is not the case for me i love both i love to tie my partner down and dominate her but i also lile to be extremely romatic

Romance can be just as much of a part of a dom/sub relationship as a vanilla one. Every relationship and dynamic is different.

Theres never a specific mold that needs to be followed.

In my eyes, kink & LS are a piece of you, not your whole life. This is the problem with it being called a lifestyle, it’s not a lifestyle, it’s a preference.
Kink is part of my life, like a set of clothes, an attitude I put on for a particular activity. Just as I’d wear a harness to go climbing or wetsuit to go surfing. I don’t do either activity in a kinky way (some of the equipment may be dual purpose).
It’s a compartment in my life, but it doesn’t consume me.
14 hours ago, LordKanyon said:

I respect you oppinion but this is not the case for me i love both i love to tie my partner down and dominate her but i also lile to be extremely romatic

I agree ☺️ balance is needed 😍

  • 4 months later...
I am a dominant person and a fierce protector and an equal partner in all aspects of my life so the roles of dom primal hunter and play partner r an everyday aspect of my life but my kink is merely an extension of my life not the entirety of it
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