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dominant/submissive contract


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hey all, 

does anyone have a Dominant/Submissive Contract?  i had a Sub/Master contract with my partner but i stopped it as i wasnt in the right frame of mind, now im feeling a little better but would like to make it Sexual only  contract so was looking for some advice on doing so?


So I have never made a contract however I have wanted to in the past now obviously there are others out there with more experience on this so feel free to completely write me off it what I'm commenting makes no sense or is not the right way to do it but what I'd do is first make the intentions known and see what your submissive and yourself are looking for in this dynamic write down hard limits for both yourself and the submissive as well as an agreed upon safe word that you can both use I'd also put in there the list of things that are 100% a go in terms of Kinks but also what has been agreed for experimentation if there is any curiosities about said kink I'd also say to put in that this contract is for legal reasons and that either you or the submissive can leave at any point if this dynamic is no longer what you're looking for. As I say this isn't everything and there are certainly others out there with more experience this is more how I'd try and start negotiations for the contract

the top and bottom to remember with contracts is simple

- they are just for fun

while some people do find them quite symbolic or a cornerstone of a relationship - they are just that

there's no weight in a court of law, a no is still a no, anything agreed can be revoked by either party at any time (well, within the boundaries of the *actual* law) 

so basically; what do you want to do?  what is the mutual ground between you and a partner ?

Contracts are not legally binding because the practice of slavery, ownership and bdsm is illegal
So draw up your own contract and make sure everything in it fits with you and your limits
I realise a written agreement makes it easier to track as an agreement but that's the only benefit
Also what's to prevent breach of contract?
I favour a clear agreed set of rules instead but that's just me
good luck with the search for help though
If you go to office max or staples they have blank contracts you can buy that look legally binding, granted this sort of thing really isn't no matter how pretty you make it look. Shits n giggles I'd still get it notarized.
Yes apologies if my comment came off as disparaging
As eyem says they can be quite symbolic and important to some people and it's not right of me to "yuck another person's yum" (providing it does no harm legally or health wise)
As I said I hope you manage to find a successful resolution to your query
Hi, the main idea behind a contract is to spell out clearly what each member of the relationship wants, needs, and expects to get from the relationship. You talk about it before anything takes place, you put your hard and soft limits in it, and you share your feelings on where and when you will abide by it. If it is only sexual or in the bedroom you clearly state that, both partners agree and sign it showing they will honor it. It is not a legal document but it is something that you can go back to to reiterate what you both had agreed to. It can always be altered or updated.
I have one. Message me and we can figure it out.. it is in word and you will need to reword and clear out the limits section..but will give you a good start.. as everyone else has said it's a good way to set expectations even if it is not legal... I would also suggest reanswering the limits section 6-12 months later and see how things have changed..
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