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Rope Bunny.De Treasure Hunt Clue Glossary

:one:  :two:  :three:  :four:  :five:  :six:  :seven:  :eight:  :nine:  :one::zero:

:one::one:  :one::two:  :one::three:  :one::four:  :one::five:  :one::six:

:one::seven:  :one::eight:  :one::nine:  :two::zero:  :two::one:  :two::two:

:two::three:  :two::four: Merry Kinkmas :santa:

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8 minutes ago, hunky08 said:

any help with 6 and 12 i think those are the two im missing 

Clue # 6 - Grid # 21 is to do with policy or rules. Think of another name for it.

Clue # 12 - Grid # 2 do you drink? smoke? how tall are you? do you wear glasses?

17 minutes ago, hunky08 said:

any help with 6 and 12 i think those are the two im missing 

Guessing you mean Clues 6 and 12 as Grid #6 hasn't been released yet - my clues for those were:
Day #6 Clue #6 - Grid 21 - Don't know how to behave around the site while reading Dan Brown's thing about Da Vinci? Then you best get leading an orchestra or alternatively reading these
Every site has rules that you need to follow - this one is no different - just need to head to where you can read them.
Day #12 Clue #12 - Grid #2 - Time for an overhaul of yours or does it sell you well?
Every single user has one - perhaps you could update yours to find what you're looking for.

The first few were hard, once you understand how they think it becomes easier. Look at the clues and think about the site.
#13 Channel your inner Sally Fields and think about your Oscar acceptance s***ch
2 hours ago, MasterScorpio said:
#13 Channel your inner Sally Fields and think about your Oscar acceptance s***ch

Any alternative clues? I thought I had it but I'm not so sure

1 hour ago, Bam-Bam said:

Any alternative clues? I thought I had it but I'm not so sure

Link to see who adores you.

This treasure hunt is pretty fun, I'm new to this app, do y'all do this often?
Can anyone help im not sure what I have an don’t have 😒
42 minutes ago, Bam-Bam said:

This treasure hunt is pretty fun, I'm new to this app, do y'all do this often?

Welcome to the Community.  The hunt is run every couple of months or so. 


41 minutes ago, PapaSmurf95 said:

Can anyone help im not sure what I have an don’t have 😒

Have sent you a message 😊


Clue # 14 - Grid # 17 - This is best served the way you like it…hot off the press   


Clue # 14 - Grid # 17 – “Read All About It” but set these or you’ll be hit with everything.

#14 - grid #17 _ there’s no place like it. But sometimes adjustments need to be made
Clue #14 - Grid #17 - There’s no place like “home”, but this one needs a little fixing up
Clue#14 it’s a little close to home,maybe a slight adjustment needed
clue#14 read all about it but choose what you want to read
Clue #14 Grid #17
Either ‘that’ or Main and make some adjustment to it.
Clue 14
Home is where your heart is look and you will see
Day #14 Clue #14 - Grid #17 - Some get it from The Times, or New York Herald, or Le Figaro perhaps, or maybe Bild, TV, or even Facebook...me? I head to home and make some adjustments to what I want to see
clue 14, my home isn't really what i want to see right now, maybe i need to alter it a little
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