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Ever get blocked for no reason?

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1 hour ago, kiseu said:

Being blocked at first message means "We don't know who is creepy or respectful, so we block. We want to be left alone". If it's done so many times like the things gemini_man mentioned, women will start to block. When I was a new member, I replied to every message with a polite decline. You have no idea how creepy or nasty men can be.

Not sure where is the logic  into that statement ? 99% people on here dont know each others? If someone doesn’t want men to message them there are filters for it. Unless she’s intellectually challenged! 

1 hour ago, kiseu said:

Being blocked at first message means "We don't know who is creepy or respectful, so we block. We want to be left alone". If it's done so many times like the things gemini_man mentioned, women will start to block. When I was a new member, I replied to every message with a polite decline. You have no idea how creepy or nasty men can be.

Agreed. I just had a new member write to me and I said I wasn’t interested because he isn’t single. I politely said no and he insisted so I stopped answering. Just 2 days ago he’s back again asking for access to my private gallery. Block! W T A F dude, no means no, did I studder?

A genuine question,
Why is being blocked by someone who you don't know, who is literally a billion pixels on your screen such a big deal?
Actually, a second genuine question,
Why do you consider the person/people who blocked you to be
Intellectually challenged
Power crazed
(All statements made within this thread)
11 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Yes, because all femme profiles are actually the same person 🤣

They are - we all know it's Trev The Trucker parked up in a layby on the A3105

6 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Trev, you're back! How the devil are you? Still motorboating?

Gave up the motorboating when it turned cold and turned to cutting men off and blocking them mid-conversation as my new hobby!!

This happens far too often to everyone, the best is not to waste your energy to question and analyse. It shows a lack of empathy and an avoidant red flag for me. They are doing me a favour by removing themselves and not blocking the way for others to find me.
10 minutes ago, gemini_man said:

Gave up the motorboating when it turned cold and turned to cutting men off and blocking them mid-conversation as my new hobby!!

🤣🤣🤣 oh touche turtle who goes by the alias Trev

21 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Trev, you're back! How the devil are you? Still motorboating?

I totally read this as motorboarding 🤦🏼‍♀️

9 hours ago, omle_evol said:
It sucks very much so. Thought i had a connection myself met up twice and mutually had a great time and 2 days later, bam, -BLOCKED-

That is frustrating and hurtful, I feel there are people who rather block or ghost to avoid the awkward conversation that they may not feel a romantic connection or wish to persue with exploring a connection.

29 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

A genuine question,
Why is being blocked by someone who you don't know, who is literally a billion pixels on your screen such a big deal?
Actually, a second genuine question,
Why do you consider the person/people who blocked you to be
Intellectually challenged
Power crazed
(All statements made within this thread)

3rd genuine question:

why do the people to whom your questions apply not reply to them 😬



I think people have answered a lot of why especially females block even after a few innocent messages.

Remember this is the Internet and not face to face so it's easier for some to block if they aren't interested and not go through a lot of "oh why it's going so well" and then abusive ones.  It happens more than people realise.

It also happens when you view a profile, and they think "hell no" block before they think the other person gets too interested, save a lot of "no thank you"

It sounds callous but when your on a site with 10s if not 100's of thousands of users, some profiles get swamped and it's impossible to answer everything.

because it's not face to face, I would learn to shrug it off and think "well at least i wasn't going to waste a lot of time and probably for the better if one side doesn't think it's a match"


You also get the blatant won't take no for an answer knuckledraggers.  I can totally understand why they get blocked.

Edited by smeagol
9 minutes ago, FatefulDestiny said:

3rd genuine question:

why do the people to whom your questions apply not reply to them 😬


Ah this is the 64 million dollar question. I have the answer just not the dollar

1 hour ago, Zela said:

Agreed. I just had a new member write to me and I said I wasn’t interested because he isn’t single. I politely said no and he insisted so I stopped answering. Just 2 days ago he’s back again asking for access to my private gallery. Block! W T A F dude, no means no, did I studder?

Sorry that happened to you. I feel you.💖

2 hours ago, QXX666 said:

Not sure where is the logic  into that statement ? 99% people on here dont know each others? If someone doesn’t want men to message them there are filters for it. Unless she’s intellectually challenged! 

That is quite insensitive. These are the men that go through most our filters. Also, some men know how to go around the filters. They change their age, or all the pictures in private gallery (basically a profile without pic). The ones we don't message, these men keep looking at our profiles everyday, few times a week, but it never stops in looking. You would be surprised it can go on for months and months. I had a few men that I politely declined, but kept messaging me. I blocked them from messaging, but they started sending Spanks. I had to block them. Alot of the women that block don't want another message, and want to be left alone. I feel bad for the good men, because these men make their experiences sour!

Wanted to add. A man can say he sent a message of "Hi, Hello or etc". I had a guy that did that, but he went around me filter, and wrote "Hi..............................................................................................................................................................................................................."

Exactly like this. Would you NOT be surprised if half the women would block him. I blocked him, because saw it being a weirdo.

Edited by Deleted Member
51 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Is this a new kink? Do tell 🤣

Oh absolutely. And such fun 🤣

It happens. I sent a respectful message to say hi to someone. I have no issue at all if they’re not interested, but I got instantly blocked. Almost as if “how dare you message me”. Now that speaks more about them than me. Move on.

in essence, there wouldn't be no reason.

Just a reason that isn't obvious to you.

I guess first off is - have you definitely been blocked? the other person hasn't been asked to verify or had their account removed?

But other than that it could be anything from no longer enjoying the conversation and wanting an out, seeing something in your forum posts or activity they felt was a nope, hitting block by accident, to more.

There was a person on twitter a while ago whose partner had access to their account (I think unknown to her, I forget) who would block a load of people he didn't want her interacting with (that's more of an edge case, but feasible) 

There are folk on here have me blocked and I am not entirely sure why in some cases - but then it could very easily be that have just decided they don't want me to contact them and that is their prerogative. 

I feel obviously it gets frustrating due to lack of closure and a feeling of "what did I do?" and, sadly you might never know - all you know is that exchange didn't work out.

2 hours ago, eyemblacksheep said:

in essence, there wouldn't be no reason.

Just a reason that isn't obvious to you.

I guess first off is - have you definitely been blocked? the other person hasn't been asked to verify or had their account removed?

But other than that it could be anything from no longer enjoying the conversation and wanting an out, seeing something in your forum posts or activity they felt was a nope, hitting block by accident, to more.

There was a person on twitter a while ago whose partner had access to their account (I think unknown to her, I forget) who would block a load of people he didn't want her interacting with (that's more of an edge case, but feasible) 

There are folk on here have me blocked and I am not entirely sure why in some cases - but then it could very easily be that have just decided they don't want me to contact them and that is their prerogative. 

I feel obviously it gets frustrating due to lack of closure and a feeling of "what did I do?" and, sadly you might never know - all you know is that exchange didn't work out.

But, but, but… how DARE someone block YOU. Do they not know who you are? 🤪😘

1 hour ago, FatefulDestiny said:

But, but, but… how DARE someone block YOU. Do they not know who you are? 🤪😘

maybe that is WHY they blocked me haha

Just only yesterday I was blocked on the site we met and also blocked on telegram where we have been chatting for about a week. The reason I got blocked was because I was honest and told the guy I was feeling more of a friends connection and not a romantic connection. His reply was to block me so even being honest and respect can still get you blocked 🤷🏻‍♀️

it's a sad reflection on the calibre of people who flock to online, and the me me me now society, people can't be arsed to communicate, put effort in or get to know another person. So if they can't get the instant satisfaction they block and move on to someone else they can sucker in.

I wouldn't let them get to you it's a bullet dodged in my opinion.

Iv'e had locals here, great chat then "pooooof instant distancing" goes with the territory sadly, and their loss.




There is instant satisfaction, but as mentioned "so many reasons". Reminder protection as well. What one may think it's not a big deal, but for another it is.

I am really happy this topic popped up. Ghosting doesn't bother me anymore, because it is the way it is, and can't do anything about it. Now I think Blocking is like Ghosting.

Edited by Deleted Member
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