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Bad skin


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See your dr for a dermatology referral and start on the the right therapy for you its a massive boost when you start to see it clear and just be up front and open with potential partners about it
Its how i do it previous coverage was 90% before i got the right treatment
Hi Chaz
Have a look at Jason Vale. He does juicing programs. There is a documentary he did called the 28 day juice challenge. It's really interesting. Jason was a sufferer of psoriasis, really bad. The juicing cured the symptoms.
It's not an overnight cure, but really worth a watch if you feel you've exhausted all other options.
Maybe when you explain your partner about it (or your date) educate them, that it is not transferable to contact. It is a genetic disease etc.
My training partner when I was a ***ager had psoriasis, he told me all about it. Later on in life in my mid 20s I dated a hot chick with psoriasis, she was terrified sharing it, but I already knew so much about it, it didn’t phase me.
So knowledge can open doors for ya buddy.
Or you can join to the psoriatic society and go to the Dead Sea for a month and get rid of all of it (temporarily)
Posted (edited)

If you have skin problems head to Shelixir*

Edited by Deleted Member
*External link removed
A bottle is £30 & I’ll deliver it to you. Heals all skin problems I know of currently. It got rid of all my hyperpigmentation spots I recommended it highly. You can also follow on insta as Shelixir_
My recommendation if your not already seeing one, is get a referral to a dermatologist who can put you on the right treatment to manage your condition. I also have skin issues inc acne and eczema, I’m just honest about it when I’m in discussions with partners. Most people have had skin troubles at some point, you shouldn’t be ashamed of it and your potential partner should be adult enough to understand what it is and what care needs to be taken when engaging in play. If you’re also regularly testing for STIs and BBVA it isn’t a problem at all. It’s not like you can catch psoriasis, it’s generic.
Cut out wheat and dairy out your diet and use 100% natural coconut oil on you skin daily took me 30 years to find my trigger now I have out breaks every few years when I treat my self to too much pizza
If you go to a dermatologist they will just keep you on prescription ***. My dermatologist said I will have it for the rest of my life and will need to cycle meds medicine is a business they keep you alive don't make you better. Wanted to give me a tablet every day for rest of my life for migraines again sorted
  • 2 weeks later...
Don’t know if it will help, but I’ve used intermittent fasting to improve my skin. Maybe another option 👍
15 hours ago, StockynWild86 said:
Don’t know if it will help, but I’ve used intermittent fasting to improve my skin. Maybe another option 👍

Same I don't eat before 1 and after 6 helped with so many issues

Yeah and it’s easier to stick to vs a calorie controlled diet. What ever happens you only have a wait a short time before you can eat. 👍
  • 2 weeks later...
Try this, tea tree oil soap, use it everywhere with dry skin, can't say if it works for everyone, but I have psoriasis and if I wash with it in morning I'm good until night, so you gotta stay showered daily, but that's good for dating too 👍
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