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*** choking

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I recently came across this term. Google wasnt as helpful as i had hoped. Could someone please enlighten me about how it feels to the sub, what they experience and what exactly does it entail? 


Hey, a *** *** is a specific hold which cuts off the *** supply to the brain. Instead of compressing the wind pipe or chest to restrict oxygen from entering the lungs, a *** *** hold compresses the carotid arteries and/or jugular veins. When done correctly ***ness can occur in as little as 10 seconds, when practiced incorrectly such as maintaining the hold after ***ness has occurred can cause permanent brain *** or death.

People usually experience light headed ness, and a white haze falling over vision before going ***. Muscle spasms have also been reported which resemble a small seizure while *** but I’m not sure of the science behind this. The person usually has no recollection of what happened the few seconds before passing out and comes round a little disorientated and dazed.

Hope this helps!


i have done it a few times from both sides, but not in any kind of kink environment.

it was in a judo class as a kid. 

it was reasonably fun and there is a real knack to making it work, cant comment on the kinky side of it tho.

  • 2 weeks later...

The phrase "*** ***" comes from Mixed Martial Arts. In Judo it's called "Gyaku Ju Ji Jime" for example. I once experienced it unwittingly in a Judo Contest, so I didn't Tap Out. I found myself experiencing this strange joyous feeling, then the Referee realised what was happening and stopped the action. In skilled hands it can be used as an Anaesthetic, and in Ancient Times  Aristotle and Galen used it this way. But I'd recommend you avoid it. Remember this was developed for Samurai Warfare, and the US Marines still learn it as an efficient Killing Technique.

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