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Gravestone Epitaph...

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What would you like to have etched on your gravestone.?..Would it be something you would like to be remembered for..?

It could  be an opportunity to admit who you really were..without worrying about having to admit your secret to your loved ones face to face or indeed to everyone who knows you unless you believe in an after life. 

Bear in mind that there are guidelines as to which words can and cannot be used in an Epitaph..!

On the other hand imagine you can say what you want to say but never had the courage to..!..Shall we say no more than 100 words..!

Hope you all like the Challenge ...Have a lot of Fun..!  




I think I’d like ‘Under all of this soil I’m Naked!!! (& still flipping hilarious!)’ I don’t have many secrets, most people who know me know I’m a pervert, know i’d like to sit on Tom Jone’s lap with nothing on & have all probably seen me without my top on, on at least one (if not a dozen) occasions 😁x

Love it.....I  can just imagine someone who is madly infatuated by you ...digging you up...just to check if you really are naked...I..

That is so cool..Cassie

I seen one I like that read "should have gone to the pub instead" I didn't know this person, but feel they must have had a sense of humour. I'd like to be remembered in the same way. For me death is like a light switch, once your time is done that's it, no more, lights out! So for me probably "who moved the light switch"
Hahaha that made me laugh @cassie34 though to fair they wouldn’t have to dig down too deep, my body may be 6ft down but my boobs would just be below the surface 😆 some poor undertaker would have a mission to try & find enough soil to cover those bad boys up hahah x
  • 1 month later...

It’d probably be something along the lines of “***s immediately loved him ... but what a fuckin’ weirdo. “ 🤣



spank you very much I had a belting good time 😂

  • 1 month later...

Loved being in their own skin and accepting who their were.Semen donations still very welcome.

  • 2 weeks later...

Probably A good woman on the outside but too crazy for us on the inside lol

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