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Ghosted without warning.... Ouch

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1 minute ago, Invisible71 said:

Thank you for your words of support. 

It's not support. It is. Don't you want to be with a person that values you. I do...

It hurts a bit, but better to know ASAP. 

There is one part I don't understand. Why didn't you just call her to ask what happened since you've got her phone number anyway?
I think people who ghost are gutless aholes and b****ds of human beings. Ghosting is s**t and not cool at all. The only acceptable reason would be if there were threats of ***. If after talking to somebody non stop for several months and mid sentence you ghost someone because something better came along, they are really a piece of work
You deserve better
Those human beings have no feelings
10 minutes ago, Paraphiliax said:

There is one part I don't understand. Why didn't you just call her to ask what happened since you've got her phone number anyway?

I'm blocked apparently 

1 minute ago, Hels1920 said:

I think people who ghost are gutless aholes and b****ds of human beings. Ghosting is s**t and not cool at all. The only acceptable reason would be if there were threats of ***. If after talking to somebody non stop for several months and mid sentence you ghost someone because something better came along, they are really a piece of work
You deserve better

Thanks Hels1920

They will promise you things later at the end of the day you pay for their selfishness acts
5 minutes ago, Invisible71 said:

I'm blocked apparently 

Yeah man, that sucks. Maybe she was in a relationship and just toying around. The dating scene most definitely has gone down hill the past few years due to the undeniable sociopsychological impact of postmodernism.

And that is why I don't chase after women ❤️
3 minutes ago, Paraphiliax said:

Yeah man, that sucks. Maybe she was in a relationship and just toying around. The dating scene most definitely has gone down hill the past few years due to the undeniable sociopsychological impact of postmodernism.

I personally wouldn't keep on talking endlessly over that amount of time. If she's not aspiring to meet up within let's say a week or two, I'd just move on. Especially if you're hitting it off like you described.

Be brave be no coward that's my motto
Don't let a heartless human being hurt your feelings bring you down 👎 move along block her you will find a human being ❤️you will feel better both of you
My best advice from my experience with online dating

as a general rule I often people throw the term 'ghosting' around too much - but this is probably one of the rare examples where, no, this is ghosting - and it sucks - and it is understandable why you are hurt


while there are possible explanations on her side, this doesn't really kinda change how things were left - and it sucks, and I'm sorry it happened to you :/ 

Have a goodnight everybody 👍stay positive
I know how that feels bro exactly the same thing happened to me now my guard is up constantly
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