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Obviously they work more in RL. But it doesn’t mean that online relationship are less real and with less involvement.
Being eye-to-eye and feeling the warmth of a hand on your skin, the “click” of a collar or being pulled by a leash… are things that you can’t really feel online.
For me any D/s relationship has to be IRL. I suppose it could work if it is a combination of both but if it is just online I think there are many things that are being missed out on.
Online can equal to the raw connection you would feel irl its just 2 people sharing fantasy. 2 people physically exploring one another and feeling that intensity of chemistry. I'm talking the smell of her perfume or the heat of his breath while he concentrates on a knot. Light sounds of her gasps as you release your hand from around her neck. The beads of sweat on his chest that you run your hand across or lick up before you kiss their neck. Online can never offer the organic bond where one will fall into a deep spell over. It's easy to portray a long term fantasy online just mask all other factors of a person that will push someone away, but the opportunity to experience the level of ecstasy is rewarding yet heartbreaking when it comes to an end.
I've only really properly had one D/s - and thats IRL.
I started seeing two DDs online but it didnt work out with the one and went on a physical date with the other, feelings for my IRL daddy are far stronger
Well of course they are more meaningful IRL, I don't think anyone would question that, but they can work online too
I think it depends on the people involved, but you can do lots of things online. But personally if there is a distance I do want the opportunity to meet each other even if it is once a month
I tried online and the problem I found was we were to far away . Was in it for 2months and have had to take a break from it . To much other things also going on x

you can drop the word D/s and it becomes the same question

there's differences and challenges between IRL and online only - the lack of personal touch and intimacy being the main ones.

I'd say I would be unlikely to enter an online-only relationship of any description - unless, say, the nature of this relationship was someone sending me pics and videos of themselves to my request, ha

IRL for me on line is not enough here
it really depends on what you’re looking for if online is what feels most comfortable for whatever reason you have then do what makes you comfortable but personally i crave that physical connection you can only get in person
I tried online and it didn't work because we were to far away . X
I find them more meaningful in person it's just the look and determination you can see them putting in it's what makes it all more better than online
I think OL dynamics can work and be very fulfilling for both. Obviously there will be shortcomings like physical contact but Understand the limitations and communicate protocols.
I think it depends upon the person as well as their situation.

I have a couple of friends that have been in online Ds relationships for years. One of these friends new that the chance of them ever meeting was very unlikely. They love their relationships.

Myself, I have been in a couple of online dynamics but it was my loophole to not dating. I decided I would not date while I was separated from my ex until the divorce was final and the separation lasted between 2-3 years. At some point I altered my decision and allowed myself online relationships. In that time I was in a couple of online dynamics and enjoyed my time with my lovely partners. But once I was officially divorced I don’t think I will be in another online dynamic. For me, they are not as fulfilling as irl.

We are all different people with different desires and situations. For some online is very fulfilling and for others it is not as fulfilling (or not at all). I would think a certain amount of that could be based on how much we seek the mental aspects of a dynamic vs the physical aspects of a dynamic.
Obviously they are more meaningful in real life, but they CAN work to some extent. From my experience what I’ve seen is that people who do online are usually just starting out and are vert inexperienced so it is a nice first step. Once you go real life, it is hard to go back though.
For me it was long distance and didn't work mostly for that reason but there was also other reasons aswell x
definitely IRL,to me text don't comfort me, or even it does, not as much as physical touch do
D/s relationships are built on allowing fulfillment and being in a position to fulfill. If that is already within the foundation/ dynamic the actual structure can be negotiable

I think they can work to a degree, but ultimately for me I'll end up getting frustrated and want to meet irl.

IRL.. online for anything other than arranging IRL is sad and unfulfilling.. who even does online without at least a small probability you'd be able to meet?
I had a D/s online relationship for almost 4yrs. It worked perfect for U/us at the time. We only ended because He over stepped my limits. Or we would still be doing it now if I'm honest
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