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The Dungeon Store Treasure Hunt Clue Glossary

:one:  :two:  :three:  :four:  :five:  :six:  :seven:  :eight:  :nine:  :one::zero:

:one::one:  :one::two:  :one::three:  :one::four:  :one::five:  :one::six:

:one::seven:  :one::eight:  :one::nine:  :two::zero:  :two::one:  :two::two:

:two::three:  :two::four:

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5 hours ago, PixieDust said:

The clues are in this forum thread.  If you cant find the clues by expanding your comments and scrolling backwards head over to the website via your phone browser using www.feish.com and go to the same forum thread and you will find a quick link clue glossary that will take you directly to each days clues so far. 

Totally forgot i could do that thank yews hun 🤭

Could some help me with grid 17? I cant find it and I've looked at all the clues 🥺
2 hours ago, theOne0420 said:
I’m missing grids #8 and #12….any help?

Here are my clues for those:
Day 13 - Clue # 16 - Grid # 8 - Doesn't matter what level of this you are at to join the treasure hunt
Everyone on the site is at one of three levels of this
Day # 17 - Clue # 20 - Grid # 12 - Thread your way to find this one
Think about where you are on the site right now and how you'd start something new here

Greetings and salutations from a lowly synz boy looking for help. 

1. what ahr the grids placements mentioned.

.I believe I have 15 of the icons last I checked.

2. How do I determine from the generous amount of responses from the people here which ones I still need to get. 

and I greatly appreciate all my fellow kinksters in advance.


but if I see what you saw then I can have a good day to 

or change my mind and tweak things was something I got good advice from you all.

thank you 

saintsaltysynz 💦💯🦂💜💎🖤


32 minutes ago, saintsaltysynz said:

Greetings and salutations from a lowly synz boy looking for help. 

1. what ahr the grids placements mentioned.

.I believe I have 15 of the icons last I checked.

2. How do I determine from the generous amount of responses from the people here which ones I still need to get. 

and I greatly appreciate all my fellow kinksters in advance.


but if I see what you saw then I can have a good day to 

or change my mind and tweak things was something I got good advice from you all.

thank you 

saintsaltysynz 💦💯🦂💜💎🖤


You currently have 14 of the icons so are missing 6 right now - to determine which you are missing, go to your grid and number it left to right top row 1-4, next row 5-8 etc - work out which grid numbers you have and then compare to this list, which is all released so far, to figure out which you are missing:
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24
Once you know which you are missing you can look back through the thread for the clues to them, or if you go on the website version of the app there's a glossary of clues at the top of the thread - or post which ones you need here and we'll see if we can help.

For anyone needing specific clues here's a list of all of mine given so far to help you:
Day 1 - Clue # 1 - Grid # 9 - Who's been running their fingers over your pics?
Day 1 - Clue # 2 - Grid # 6 - Have you looked at yourself lately?
Day 1 - Clue # 3 - Grid # 14 - Know someone not on the site that you think might like it? Send them one of these
Day 2 - Clue # 4 - Grid # 3 - Searching for that special someone? Get your settings right and you may just find them 
Day 2 - Clue # 5 - Grid # 16 - Have you saved any new chums lately?
Day 3 - Clue #6 - Grid #23 - Want to stop someone from seeing you? Put them here
Day 4 - Clue #7 - Grid #24 - Do you send yours wrapped?
Day 5 - Clue # 8 - Grid # 2 - You may have to adjust your settings if you're searching for some hanky spanky
Day 6 - Clue # 9 - Grid # 7 - "Open Sesame" is probably the most famous of these - "1234" probably the dumbest...have you changed yours lately?
Day 7 - Clue #10 - Grid #13 - Make some changes to defer oil tip - others may see you differently if you do
Day 8 - Clue # 11 - Grid # 1 -  Rockwell sang "Somebody's Watching Me"...who's your "somebody"?
Day 9 - Clue # 12 - Grid # 19 - Want some peace and quiet and time to yourself? Make sure you set these settings right
Day 10 - Clue # 13 - Grid # 10 - Time to post your personal
Day 11 - Clue # 14 - Grid # 15 - French ones are amis, German ones are freunden, and Spanish are amigos
Day 12 - Clue # 15 - Grid # 20 - Who checked in with you most recently? Was it a ***ping Tom?
Day 13 - Clue # 16 - Grid # 8 - Doesn't matter what level of this you are at to join the treasure hunt
Day 14 - Clue # 17 - Grid # 4 - Julie Andrews had a thing for brown paper packages tied up with string - me I prefer to be tied up with stronger stuff, some OTK and a good pegging would also be on my list
Day 15 - Clue # 18 - Grid # 22 - Abide by these rules and you'll steer clear of trouble on the site
Day 16 - Clue # 19 - Grid # 17 - Roll up roll up read all about it!! Just the way you want it too!!
Day # 17 - Clue # 20 - Grid # 12 - Thread your way to find this one
Released so far: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24
1 hour ago, GothGirlSlut said:

Could some help me with grid 17? I cant find it and I've looked at all the clues 🥺

Happy to give you a hand but I am unable to message you due to your filter settings.  You are welcome to message me. 😊

25 minutes ago, LunaBear23 said:
I’m missing 16 and 23

Looks like you found them now 👍🏻😊

2 hours ago, GothGirlSlut said:
Could some help me with grid 17? I cant find it and I've looked at all the clues 🥺

Think about where on the site you'd go to get the latest updates from other users and more and how you'd tailor it to what you want to see

46 minutes ago, Mezmerism said:

I’m missing clue 4 it seems. Can any of you help me please? 

Clue 4 or grid 4? Here are my clues for both:
Day 14 - Clue # 17 - Grid # 4 - Julie Andrews had a thing for brown paper packages tied up with string - me I prefer to be tied up with stronger stuff, some OTK and a good pegging would also be on my list
That special place for people that aren't friends but you want to keep an eye on
Day 2 - Clue # 4 - Grid # 3 - Searching for that special someone? Get your settings right and you may just find them 
It's all about how you search for others and the parameters you set

This is fun I've been randomly giving two or three away, I'll have to go find em again though. But hey FET has great people and even more awesome adult community as a whole .. WOOT WOOT!
Clue 21 if you want to be alerted to anything make sure you set this by checking all boxes

Day #18 Grid #18 It's wise to turn them off, if you want keep your kinky side a secret 👀

Day # 18 - Clue # 21 - Grid # 18 - Want to be spoonfed each time something new happens? Make sure to set this setting right.
Still need a little guidance with finding #7 #12. Any clues would be appreciated.
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