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Different types of subs


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The thing is to be yourself, not categorise yourself into one particular box.
43 minutes ago, littlemiss37 said:
Is it possible to b a bit of a few x

Absolutely in fact most people are and may even change over time as they learn and experience new things

Lots of great comments. Yes, definitely different general “categories” of submissive. And as someone pointed out, the energy between you and any given Dominant will differ from person to person…. It’s interesting to experience how different people tend to surface different aspects of your personality, and that does include Dynamic headspaces.

I would say, to both sides of the slash, not to walk into a dynamic expecting that your “perfect partner” will do x, y, or z. You may have some things that are needs you know you crave having filled, but don’t try to fit your Dominant or your submissive into a firm “mold”. Let the dynamic flow where it naturally should.

Case in point: I have a partner who is very submissive to me. Our Dynamic is loosely held and not negotiated at all… she serves when and how it makes sense, and I enjoy the chance to guide her as it fits and makes sense. Had I tried to define it, I would never have known just how intimate and fulfilling it is to enjoy whiskey service. She’s experienced things that have always terrified her, but with me, they feel totally natural.

A friend I frequently play with is a self-defined brat… but for reasons she can’t explain, she has NEVER felt the urge to brat with me. So just because you are normally one type or another doesn’t mean you should attempt to shoehorn that into every dynamic you enter, whether for a single scene or a lifetime collared TPE. Let the energy of each relationship dictate where things flow. There’s not a “wrong” way to express your submission, except to be disingenuous with yourself, or with your Dominant.
Everyone has their kinks and limits I wouldn't try to make categories
  • 1 month later...
I’m new to this but definitely many different types of Subs! I’m an Erotic Sub, absolutely No *** involved, pure pleasure, of course i can’t avoid the *** when I’m being punished! Then there are *** Subs and I am sure there are so many more.
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