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Public Play And Consent


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8 hours ago, QXX666 said:

1- the police are far too busy or not interested to respond at 2 peoples indulging in a spanking session in a park or else. 
2- kids at the age of 8 start watching porn or worse so they won’t be shocked by anything they see in the street. 
3- public consent is constantly ***d every day by more important acts. Crime, ***, spitting on the floor, vape/smoking in front of me when I walk etc

4- most tv programs content at some point some kinky reference 

1. The police are very stretched, but you might be surprised to learn of some of the things they'll respond to if they can - and quickly. Not all constabularies are the same.

2. i) Not all kids, I know some older ones who are horrified by the notions of porn and sex (genuinely- not just when they think there's an adult around), and ii) even if what you said was true does that mean we're supposed to encourage it/pretend it's okay by - in this example - putting things on the street for them as well?

3. Who gets to say which acts are more or less important than others? How can you - or anybody - place issues like literal child protection lower than somebody spitting on the floor? 

4. Most? Or some? And by TV programs, do you mean those things which people sit down and choose to watch voluntarily, out of a selection of now thousands of options, which they can make their own decision to avoid with just a single press of a button?

17 hours ago, QXX666 said:

1- the police are far too busy or not interested to respond at 2 peoples indulging in a spanking session in a park or else. 
2- kids at the age of 8 start watching porn or worse so they won’t be shocked by anything they see in the street. 
3- public consent is constantly ***d every day by more important acts. Crime, ***, spitting on the floor, vape/smoking in front of me when I walk etc

4- most tv programs content at some point some kinky reference 


now not sure what kind of activities you are referring, so it all depends of the intensity level. 
nudity, sexual acts with genital exposure, impact play, slapping etc are obviously a no go. 
the rest is up to your moral choice. Personally I don’t indulge much outside the bedroom. I took few times my subs for a walk chained and naked in the countryside but I knew the place would be quiet. And another time for something else which was controlled too. But then again I am more of a CnC darker side. 

What you appear to have missed in your attempt to sweep things aside is whether the general public *should* be subjected to viewing things they might not want to see, and aren't given any choice over seeing - either inadvertently because those indulging their kink weren't careful enough to keep it discreet, or in some instances deliberately so by those indulging in it.
As for your second point, whilst it's a sad fact that *some* kids may start viewing porn at an early age, it doesn't make it right that they do, or mean they should potentially be subjected to it by grown adults getting their kink - and that's before going anywhere near the potential for a trip to the sex offenders register by those that do. To try and sweep it aside by saying kids won't be shocked by it is frankly abhorrent.
Spitting on the floor, vaping/smoking are "more important" than offending someone's decency? Just wow!! Whilst I agree there are many things that may cross the line when it comes to the consent of others it is, as you say, about levels and some things fall more under what is personally acceptable than others.
Whilst *some* TV programmes have the kind of content being discussed here, to say that "most" do is wide of the mark - and the viewer has the choice to not watch the majority of the time - sadly not something a member of the public going about their daily business witnessing someone indulging their kink has the choice to do.
Yes there are *some* things that can be played out publically without offence but the things that sparked this thread are the kind of things in recent threads that absolutely do have that potential - driving round naked and slowing down so passing pedestrians can see being one example, or your own thread about public groping being another.

17 hours ago, QXX666 said:

1- the police are far too busy or not interested to respond at 2 peoples indulging in a spanking session in a park or else. 
2- kids at the age of 8 start watching porn or worse so they won’t be shocked by anything they see in the street. 
3- public consent is constantly ***d every day by more important acts. Crime, ***, spitting on the floor, vape/smoking in front of me when I walk etc

4- most tv programs content at some point some kinky reference 

so for 2-3 this is also things people shouldn't be doing (though, there are no laws about vaping/smoking outdoors in public)

4 - yep, but you consent to watch when you turn it on.  

For the police being too busy or not interested... it depends... generally no they're not interested.  But it kinda depends on the act and while they themselves may respond, we're in an era where everyone has a video recorder in their pocket.  And it might be a specific thing is not a crime - but could still form part of a profile the police build against you.  It could still cause problems if it went viral on social media or pictures hit the papers (as I know has happened to people)

Equally, spanking is still a crime in the UK (and in parts of the US, and in other countries) - so yeah, they don't have to respond to take action.

By admission, chances are they wouldn't.  Unless you made a regular habit of it. 

The cops where I'm at are more worried about dead tags and drunks. Visit the ***'s playground and see the condoms and needles laying around. Humans are disgusting 😒 the public does not need to be exposed to that, as mentioned above they did not consent

When it comes to public play I feel as though it should still be kept between the consenting partners. Pony up some cash and buy a few wearables, wear a skirt without panties and sit in the back of a Tuesday matinee at the movie theatre with a blanket on your lap. There are ways to bring kinks in public without violating others
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