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So the man I've been fucking for 5 weeks made me *** during sex. I didn't know what happened or that sort of thing existed?! He did it twice that night, I was ***ed that he didn't tell me he was going to do it, but it was pretty insanely erotic.., just looking for info, advice or stories
Agreed. If he meant to do it & there was no warning or agreement of no limits etc it's a bit weird.
If you agreed *** etc but he took it too far you need to talk boundaries.
Completely blacking out means not enough *** and oxygen was getting to your brain to keep you conscious. It's not a good thing to do very often and can cause permanent damage if done too much. Getting a rush from some choking is exciting to me. Completely blacking out isn't really safe or fun, IMHO.
Was he choking you? That's not safe at all. Especially for someone so new. Choking, despite it's popularity, is one of the MOST dangerous things one can partake it with regards to bdsm or kink. There are so so many ways it can go wrong and has gone wrong. And there are a myriad of problems that can appear from it even after a year from the event. Please look very carefully into and learn all you can before you ever consider it in the bedroom and please please for your safety don't EVER play with this guy ever again.
This is dangerous and abusive. Id be going to the police. The fact you don't know what happened, didn't consent and actually blacked out.... Just NO. He could kill someone. This is not ok.
Definitely not ok, it's one thing to restrict the breathing for a time but to be made to fully pass out from it is dangerous, especially if no consent etc was given. Breath play isn't something that should be just done, it should be researched and learned and 100% spoken about and agreed to by all involved. I wouldn't let this guy near you, definitely red flags with him
I'd *** you to the absolute brink of losing consciousness but I wouldnt unless that typa thing got you off, if that was your kinky fetish Ill slap a girl around , ill hold your head down with my foot and have both hands firmly grasping that booty, and id have one or if you want and your a hardcore typa mf then both thumbs in that asshole after I rim that hole and mollest it with my 👅 and make sure its good and lubed up from my dripping oozin saliva, then I'd slick probably catch u by surprise when i take a nice shard and blow it off in your butt and proceed to stuff it full and pack it deep on in you with my big cock after i get a good slimy wad of sliva built up and spit it directly in your asshole right after the shard, but hey thats me
This sounds well dodgy to me. Assuming you didn't you consent to this before he did it? I am very concerned about your personal safety with this individual P x
Was this talked about in your detailed conversations on what you accepted, or would allow him to do to you, in your build up to an actual physical meet, or at some stage within your five weeks worth of copulation? From how you’ve written this, it doesn’t sound as though it was. You were surprised, and “***ed that he didn’t tell he was going to do it” How could you not know what he was doing, when he had a hand(s) around your throat? If you were annoyed after the first time, once you returned to consciousness, then you should have kicked him where it hurt…but not told him that you were going to do that to him. Sorry, “two wrongs, don’t make a right”

IMO, he knew what he was doing, and he didn’t tell you. Did he have a professional paramedic parked up outside, to “bring you back”, or were you hooked up to his personal medical kit that monitored you throughout? Now what else is he going to do, without telling you? Are you really in charge of you?

Where’s the future trust that you have in him, before you don’t have a future? You should be more than “***ed” at him. Leave, like others have said, and read up on what he watched happen to you, in your defenceless state…twice.

I'd run. This is not a safe person  to be around.  If he does this with out your consent. What else will he do.  We could even 1 day be reading about your death in the newspaper . You may think that what I say is far fetched but he's not being safe with you so who knows what could happen.



Not once, but twice? No discussion after the first time? That's a man focused on his own pleasure only. At worst, dangerous, at best disrespectful.
By what you've said after you passed out did he stop or carry on having sex with you? has stated previously you were ***ed he didn't tell you.... If he carried on that's *** has it's not planned. Your wellbeing is clearly not to the forefront of his mind which is the first priority. He's taken advantage of you not once but twice. This should be a massive red flag. I would seriously question your safety and whether it's worth pursuing or not
Get outta there! Whilst you may of had a talk about your desire to be ***d before drinking!? He is obviously not concerned for you in any way! There are so many others that would happily pleasure you, just within the boundaries of your own safety. He's dangerous - take this as a massive red flag!
4 hours ago, Babe23 said:

So the man I've been fucking for 5 weeks made me *** during sex. I didn't know what happened or that sort of thing existed?! He did it twice that night, I was ***ed that he didn't tell me he was going to do it, but it was pretty insanely erotic.., just looking for info, advice or stories

Rereading this i am concerned.... 


You're not asking for help really. You're asking for info advice and stories after stating it was erotic.


I feel youre completely ignoring the fact that your body and trust was ***d. You didnt consent. 

Even if you wanted to, you most likely couldn't depending on what he was actually doing to knock you out?!


You haven't stated... Did he *** you? Strike you with something? Cover mouth and nose? *** hold or chop to neck?? 


How soon after you came to, did the second black out happen. Did he knock you straight out cus you regained consciousness? 

Did you have time or means to communicate it was ok to to stop?


The fact youre not pleading for help on reporting this man terrifies me tbh. 

Your personal safety is everything. As i said, he could have killed you. Or anyone. This is not usual or typical behaviour of anyone who has been sleeping with someone a few weeks.


You stated "fucking", not even implying it was anything to do with kink, fetish or bdsm either. 

Did he carry on having sex with you after you passed out? R if so. But... How will you know??? You weren't conscious.


In my harsh opinion you need to step back and look at yourself and your safety. Realise the gravity of what this man has done to you... And run very fucking fast away from him 

As i said, if it were me id be going to the police. 

Please focus on your safety and IF you want to experience the erotic side of this stuff, do it after research with someone who is also into it, communicates and hasn't just taken awat your consent and essentially ***d you. 


Sorry but this is me being brutal on what i am reading with as little context as is given here. This is all i can say.

Yeah, no. Leave. You do NOT do anything so dangerous as breathplay without clearly discussing in the first place, you sure as hell don't jump to making someone go ***--munch less 2x in the same night!--as that can very easily go too far and kill you. Breathplay can be great and amazing fun (hell, it's my biggest kink, personally), BUT you NEED to know the dangers involved, and you have to be with a top who knows what they're doing and how to do it safely [that is, with mitigated risks. It isn't actually safe, things can still go wrong], and CONSENSUALLY. You're in very serious danger with someone who would do that, whether it was hot or not, and should really reconsider seeing them further 😬😬
You're going to become a statistic if you don't get away from this guy!!
Insanely erotic and even more insanely dangerous if you did not give advance consent. Someone that does this is never going to respect agreed-upon boundaries. And, as 22Rosebud22 said, I’d you don’t end that relationship immediately, you’re going to end up a statistic.
Further to what everyone has said here. You want stories? Then find out about Grace Millane, and then realise what you so nearly missed…being a statistic, as 22Rosebud22 suggested. You had absolutely no control over the length of time, your so called “friend” stopped your *** and/or oxygen flow for. And for a further commenter, Babe23 used the word “***ed” to mean “annoyed” and had nothing to do with alcohol consumption.
Oh hell no, what everyone else here is saying, run, don't look back. As erotic as that is, he's crossed the line by doing something you have not had a chance to process, to decide if you want that, to decide if you trust him to be able to do this. Death is permanent, so is brain damage, or a myriad of other things that can happen, you can be permanently maimed from the lack of oxygen. The fact he did it without consent means he will do whatever he wants, whether it's good for you or not. He's thinking just about himself.
1 hour ago, Firefox_ said:

His is scary AF and deeply worrying 🥺 you might have got a kick out of it but what he did without prior consent, should make you shudder and run!

This. 1000 times this.


Seriously, use your head. You should be more than a little ***ed tf off not kinda turned on and aroused by all this. Even with women who WANT me to *** them I'm overly cautious and careful not to make them pass out unless they really want that because it's kind of fucking dangerous to begin with.


I really hope this guy doesn't know where you live. :P

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