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Surprise asphixiayion

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To add to all the other comments about this incident being immoral, unethical and probably illegal, your dismissal of it as 'erotic' normalises such ***s of power. Without enthusiastic, informed consent nothing is acceptable.
All I'm saying is Michael Hutchinson lead singer in INXS, lesson learned simple as ✋🏻👊🏻
I am assuming that he did it by either cutting off your air supply to the brain or cutting off the *** supply to the brain or both. There is a fine line between ***ness, permanent brain ***, and death so I would do my research before you allow him to do that again. That’s sad him not telling you beforehand and just going forward and doing it would be another concern. I highly suggest that you evaluate what you’re doing and where the bones I mean is it worth it to risk so much for a few moments of pleasure?
5 minutes ago, Sir_Dom_Eyes said:

There is a fine line between ***ness, permanent brain ***, and death so I would do my research before you allow him to do that again

She didn't allow him to do this to begin with. He did not have her consent. He had no permission to do this. 


I'd also personally not recommend giving anyone advice on how to continue with someone who's basically just dangerously ***d them either. 

She needs to run. 

I agree with everyone about how unsafe the act was and how unethical, etc. etc. But I gave two comments.

1. She should discuss the actions with the person to bake sure he is aware of the dangers. There are people that see stuff in porn or read about it and think it looks fun, than experiment with it without researching. So is he someone that needs to be educated? He needs educated from the start about open communication and consent, to the safety about any kinks he (or his partner) is into.

2. A few people have noted he should be reported and I agree, especially if he does not seem concerned after a conversation (note item 1.). Not only should he be reported to the authority’s, but ideally he should be reported to other kinksters. I know that some BDSM communities keep track of abusive people. Essentially I feel that the word should be spread about abusive people. If the official authorities cannot (or will not) do anything, at least the community can help.
Jen… exactly where did I give advice to stay with this individual? Are you hallucinating?
Unfortunately everyone is screaming that you need to check what’s going on here.
This was at least ***, but definitely classified as *** as you cannot consent when you’re ***. Not saying no doesn’t equal yes!!

Please take a step back from this and reevaluate what has happened.
You may enjoy this act, but it’s something to be done with prior consent and PLENTY of communication!!

He also needs to be informed that his actions could’ve killed you and that *** isn’t tolerated by ANYONE!
24 minutes ago, Finally_Jen said:

She didn't allow him to do this to begin with. He did not have her consent. He had no permission to do this. 


I'd also personally not recommend giving anyone advice on how to continue with someone who's basically just dangerously ***d them either. 

She needs to run. 

Exactly where did I give advice to stay with this individual what are you did was warn her to evaluate the actions.

He did it on the carotid artery on my neck, it happened fast. I felt nothing until after on my neck. The first time it happened I thought I fell asleep during sex, the second time when I came to I knew he did something to make me ***,..
Depends how it happened. Not good that it hadn't been consensual
Lmao wut? Leave him or stay and keep getting drugged. Not that hard 😭
1 hour ago, Sir_Dom_Eyes said:

Jen… exactly where did I give advice to stay with this individual? Are you hallucinating?

It was the "before you allow him to do it again" comment that I had read as another time in future. 

Its an intense topic i wasnt lashing at you. Apologies if it came across as so. And no, i am not hallucinating.

1 hour ago, Babe23 said:

He did it on the carotid artery on my neck, it happened fast. I felt nothing until after on my neck. The first time it happened I thought I fell asleep during sex, the second time when I came to I knew he did something to make me ***,..

This is not ok. Please either report this or distance from this man. He did not gain your consent and it is his fault for not asking. 


But more importantly

How are you? Are you ok..?

After the first time you should have not allowed a second to happen. Breath play is extremely dangerous. Even for those practiced. In a previous comment I read they asked the question, “Did he stop?” I agree, if they did not it is ***. You allowing without any comments from you makes him think it ok, and he could do it to someone else, and they might not be lucky enough to wake up. Or it could be you.

This is turning very blamey. 

This is not ok from him. This is not her fault. 

He didnt gain consent in the first place so no... Just absolutely no, it is not her issue or fault for "allowing" him to think its "okay". 


Imagine someone did this to you????

If it were me I'd be fucking terrified and not be able to speak. Not to mention ive had *** to my brain / oxygen cut off and am slightly regaining consciousness. No one is going to be able to breathe and speak clearly within seconds. 


Give your heads a wobble. 

This is not her fucking fault. 

After the 2nd time, I knew something wasn't right. I thought maybe I was drugged I asked him, "did you do that to me?" He came, I questioned everything and left to comprehend and process what had happened... there was NO kink or weirdness until that night... I'm still processing the entire incident and am reading conflicting articles on breath play, etc. that's why I reached out to a forum. To the ones that are concerned, my neck still hurts and my ego is like what the fuck happened
I asked him how he did it after and he explained that it was a jiu jiutsu move

Please seek medical advice. And then see if they direct you down a reporting/legal route. 

None of this is ok. 

Im so sorry you've had this happen :(

@finally_jen I am not blaming her for the initial incident or anything at all like that. Though she does have the responsibility now of taking action now that she has had time to maybe realize what has happened. If he is doing this to her, who else? And he is a complete asshat for doing it, and needs to be held accountable.
You were ***ed that he ***D YOU out of consciousness.
Read that again.
And then realize you appended a "but..." to that statement.
@arnhem961 I'm on a kink forum, apologies if my grammar wasn't clear by using the word, but... I didn't even know that this was any sort of thing that happened during sex, naturally I was fucking confused and scared. I would of liked him to discuss it with me before doing it but that did not happen
There isn’t “surprise” asphyxiation that’s not discuss 😬 he ***ed you
Please report him cause that is dangerous behavior

If you have a genuine interest in that type of kink then please do research because someone can easily break your trachea if not careful
I have the same kinks and have done a lot of looking into how to do it properly
She’s looking for validation or some shit. Obviously leave him if you don’t want it to happen again, it’s not that hard lol
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