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*** play in protective clothing


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I enjoy playing with *** (only my own so far)  but only whilst wearing protective clothing.

i have many fetishes, most revolve around wearing things to protect me, either from dangerous or dirty acts!!!

For *** play, I love to put on thick industrial rubber gloves and a gas mask. 

My O/H has worn gloves during sex for me for years, recently she’s started wearing a gas mask and pvc trench coat to play with my arse. She wears it for me because she knows it turns me on seeing her in it all and because I’ve explained sooner or later I’m going to have an accident. Sooner I hope 🤭.

My ultimate fantasy would be for us to take turns at being in a hazmat suit, and lay on the floor while the other poops over us!

Does anyone else use gloves etc for playing with ***?

  • 1 month later...

Seems I’m on my own with this one then. ☺️

  • 3 months later...

Well, you need to stick to what you are comfortable with. I have found that the "dangers" of *** are often blown out of proportion. Yes, there is certainly some element of risk. However, many times, it's not as risky as some would have you believe.

Not to put too fine a point on it: there is, now, a very definitely recommended and approved medical procedure known as a "fecal transplant" (I'm sure the actual clinical term is a little heavier on the Latin) wherein the feces of one person are extracted and then deliberately placed, as-is, into the gastro-intestinal tract of another person. The purpose of the procedure is to restore the gut flora, or biome, of the recipient, who is typically someone who has lost their own due to intense treatment, etc.

Anyway. I know many people love medical play and enjoy the dress and ceremony of gloves, suits, etc.

Of course, just because *** play isn't dangerous doesn't mean it doesn't have a lingering odor. I suspect that many people use protective equipment for that reason, too.


For me it’s all about wearing the gear.

I understand for most people who are into ***, smearing it on their bodies and even eating it, are what turns them on. Each to their own and enjoy.

For me personally playing with *** is disgusting unless I’m geared up. This morning I had a rare empty house. First I had my anal beads in for a good hour!!! Then I put on my gas mask and industrial rubber gloves. I Removed the filthy beads, and then fingered my self until I shit. In my gloved hand I held my full load. I clenched my fist squashing the *** and forcing it between my fingers. I couldn’t smell the stench because of the gas mask,  which turned me on even more.....

while I understand to most this is weird,  probably even to others into ***!! For me knowing that the gloves and mask protected me from something I find disgusting was a huge turn on.

  • 5 weeks later...

Last night I got the other half to wear her gas mask, elbow length rubber gloves and pvc apron to finger my arse. Got a little messy, but still not as messy as I’d like. Thankfully she didn’t freak....

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