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I have a Q...?

Is spark real or a fairytale created by media and society...
Ive often had allure/infinity/common complicity/love/lust..
Ive talked a streetworker off her corner and into a motel for 3 days of tryst.. but is that spark.??
How is spark quantified????
I think spark is that initial feeling you have when you first meet someone. What your instinct is saying. Then that spark either grows or disappears when you start to get to know the person and lust starts to form.
24 minutes ago, C-2942 said:
I think spark is that initial feeling you have when you first meet someone. What your instinct is saying. Then that spark either grows or disappears when you start to get to know the person and lust starts to form.

I actually think the lust is part of the spark from the onset; which also contains desire and intrigue. Lust is probably the driver of the spark and as the rest dissipates you're left with lust which will either remain or fizzle like the rest. If, along with the lust, you have a connection of mind body and soul, this is better for any form of longevity. Only my opinion of course

Im more with yorkie about the beginning of spark being lust..
But also with C on spark growing or going,
I wonder if any women can give us more insights from a femm view?
I think the scientists would domain ‘spark’ as Human Pheromone Attraction.
Personally, I prefer to bask in ignorance and like to believe that you can observe another human being, and be instantly attracted to them in some mysterious way 😉

Spark---YOU KNOW---that feeling of infatuation, desire, longing, responsive interaction, even lust.  Those actions that create the WANT,  like constant contact, the pursuit, the successful catch.   THEN WHAT?

Without any kind of intellectual assessment, it's hard to quantify ANY new relationship.  But it definitely takes the SPARK to get to the point where you even want to. Without that SPARK, it's doubtful anyone would invest in a worthwhile intimate path in that relationship.  Spark helps us to differentiate between loneliness and true affinity.  We all get lonely.  We don't all get lucky and experience that SPARK.


Spark, the initial attraction, desire, longing, and curiosity that can lead to a beautiful conversation. It’s as if there are butterflies in your tummy.   From there, so many other feelings can develop.  But that initial SPARK…


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