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Where Discipline and Devotion Meet


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In the world of Sentinels, disciplined and strong,

Stands the ISTJ-A, unwavering all along.

With structure and order, they live day by day,

Ensuring that all things fall in their rightful way.




But beyond the stoicism and unwavering control,

Lies a heart that beats with passion, love, and soul.

For the Sentinel, submission is not a weakness,

But a symbol of trust, intimacy, and meekness.




In love, they offer discipline and guidance,

A steady hand that leads with care and prudence.

Submission is not a one-way street for them,

But a mutual exchange of love and support, amen.




For the Sentinel, love is a responsibility,

A sacred bond built on trust and compatibility.

With discipline and submission at the core,

They create a love that lasts forevermore.

Thank you. Beautifully written . If this theory was put into practice, oh how happy the world would be.
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