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On the hunt again

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I decided to start hunting again. When I saw her I knew she was the one. When she stood up she was petite. The smaller ones are always more feisty. He hair was mousy brown. The clothes she wore were simple but sophisticated . I could feel myself become aroused. The predator was awake. The prey was leaving. That thrill inside of me increasing, seeing my quarry flee. I stepped off the train and followed

I had not hunted for a while. My last encounter was sufficient enough. I woke up this morning in a different mood. I felt directionless like a kite cast into the wind. I decided to ride the train. I could walk among them. No one seemed notice me. I hid in plain sight. The train was a perfect place to hunt. There are so many people. They are concentrating on their own little worlds. They would hardly give you a glance. I am nothing special. I am 6 foot, 185lbs, wearing jeans and a t-shirt. A hoodie was my only veil for years. The pandemic add a mask to my

I followed her slowly. It was around 6pm in the evening. She walked out to the taxi rank and waited. She stood there tapping away on her phone. She turned once, looking around. My heart leapt. She was beautiful. She scratched her cheek distractedly, and went back to her phone. A ride share pulled up. The man inside asked, “Tiffany?” She replied with a quiet affirmation and sat down inside.

She had stepped on the train on a downtown stop. She had ridden the Blue line east to this stop. I had way to follow her today. I assumed this was her normal route home. Off into the evening she went.

What did she do for living? Her shoes were expensive. Her satchel was well worn. Her overcoat was light. She wore business attire. I had not gotten close enough to smell her. Where did she live. I couldn’t wait for tomorrow.

If this was her normal route she would come through here tomorrow evening. I would be waiting.
Ooh. Hope you write a part 2. 🙂
Yeah I hope you write a part 2 to this story it is spell binding and I would love to read more of your writings
I tried to write a part 2.

Could only post to link academy says “pending moderation”
Part two is up.

3 is pending approval
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