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My biggest *** regarding my is the *** of not being accepted for my kink and just feeling like a monster whenever I have to urge from my fetish...I still feel like this no matter if it's harmless or not.
Not finding a dom who I’m actually compatible with. Not finding one that will actually stay and not stray.
Not being able to find a good little that fits me.
July 4, irish74 said:
To be rejected by the person I shared them with and have them tell me that I'm some kind of freak

It's their loss!

How people immediately jump to conclusions and start prejudging on inconsequential or irrelevant outcomes because of what they heard or their own failed experiences.
Here's a true story Earlier this week I revealed to 80+ year old Mother that I am into B.D.S.M.. She about freaked She yelled at Me demanded that I stay away from those kind of people. Now for the kicker She then asked what is B.D.S.M.? I explained it to her She responded by saying "Is that all, why didn't you just say so?"
Losing the most perfectly aligned kinky sub because she needs to work on her vanilla marriage
August 30, Spunnalingus said:
How people immediately jump to conclusions and start prejudging on inconsequential or irrelevant outcomes because of what they heard or their own failed experiences.

This is a common occurance for me...
oh you're poly ... you just wanna have an excuse to be promiscuous/ cheat

My biggest regret, is to have not started sooner. Peer pressure and unnecessary *** of discovery shackle us to a ring in the floor of self loathing and our inability to accept that our kinks are what brings our happiness. I have found that if I just don't filter my desires, through the intricacies of someone else's impression of me, or who or what they believe I should be, freedom is gained and pleasure follows close behind.
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