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Opening myself up repeatedly and not finding a partner I can comfortably express myself around or finding one and their not interesting in my fetishes 🥲 unfortunately part of the process
Being in a relationship where my partner doesn’t accept it and also finding someone who does but they only want to use me.
Finally finding my soulmate and then discovering she doesn't like her feet or has neglected taking care of them her whole life 😭🤣
Not finding a match to explore each other's desires.
That someone will seek to take advantage of
Fetishs and the type of lifestyle we live isnt easy cuz there is a lot of judgment which yea you shouldnt really care what others think but when it comes to your personal life its not very easy to talk about or to have people get on board when you first meet people, in my experiences there are far less like minded people. Talking to people online doesnt compare to meeting someone naturally in real life, for most of us we get overlooked and dont even get a chance due to the competition of others stuck in this 2024 race to get someones attention or noticed. Im kinda tired of it honestly maybe it has to do with my appearance too but whatever. Some peoples dms are flooded with others trying to talk to them and it probably because we have no other way to meet like minded people. Your not just going to go up to someone at the bar and be like hey do you like dominating guys? Meanwhile the basic af vanilla individuals can meet anyone and not have to worry if their partner is cool with missionary. I love the lifestyle im in but its a tough gig to connect irl in my opinion.
Is not being accepted and though of as strange or different 😒
…Topeka not having anyone down for them 😅
None of my family and friends will understand it or accept it.
My biggest *** regarding my fetishes is…….Not being able to meet someone who can be a LTR partner who is happy with and accepts my fetishes.
Landing a partner that doesn't practice safely or not being able to find a partner that also enjoys what I'm interested in.
That I’ll go back to nilla because I’m tired of being alone.
Not wanting to be a man anymore just continue to cross dress for eternity
Dying with them and never finding someone who I can put them in practice with.
Family and friends finding out and judging me for things that they know nothing about.
...getting accused of something I'm not. I'm a sissy baby but I lost family because they learned this about me and think I'm a pedophile. I'm not.
Not meeting that right one to fit my wants and dreams
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