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Guess I'm clueless?

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40 minutes ago, lake-forest631 said:
Haha what was the sex life?? Also it would be really hard for someone to have sex with a girl and continue to talk to you all the time afterwards if he wasn’t attracted to you! So something is fishy here 🤔

It was pretty epic,lol.
I'm kind of stumped on this one,lol. I could tell he's kinky af and more experienced than me, but I'm no lightweight and take direction well. Gave him what he wanted and finished the job ;p maybe he wants me to beg🤣

Don’t waste your time unless you have needs being met. Sexual, emotional or intellectual
45 minutes ago, Serenity7 said:
It sounds like he's keeping in contact just in case he wants another NSA hookup. The entire situation likely has very little to do with you and much to do with his lack of character.

I would personally tell him bluntly "thanks but no thanks" & find different friends or hang out alone. If you enjoy his company, then I guess you're mutually benefiting, but what he did is kinda shitty imo.

I have no animosity towards him and was prepared for it 2 b a one and done. I enjoy hanging out with him. We watch Barry on Sundays together and hit the gym several times a week. He made me dinner last night!!! It's sooooo confusing,lol.

CAN you just be friends with him? If not, then send him packing. FWB works well IF you can keep your emotions in check and not expect anything serious or committed. If you do, walk away now or you’re going to get clobbered again.
You deserve more than he’s willing to give. Head up, tits out and go find someone worthy. 🙂
Cut your loses you’re being used you’re one of his many options to f**k likely. Been there done that and I didn’t mind because I loved the sex that much. But I don’t recommend it for other people because it’s psychologically taxing and when you look at it is a waste of time.
Is this serving your needs and wants? Yes? Roll with it. Good friends are valuable. No? He is either a lowlife that goes around using other people's sexuality for his own ends OR he's a really great guy......... who will find "friends" other than you.
Either way. Go forward and know your power.
42 minutes ago, BigWill5150 said:
Ghost him…if he likes you for real then he will try to pursue you

I blew him off for a week, cuz I was busy and he texted me every day, seeing if I wanted to come over and watch our regular show. Yes; we have a show. Wtf ;p I will try this approach though. I just hate playing games. Think I'm just gonna outright ask him what the deal is. It's never fun to hear why someone doesn't like you though, so I've been putting it off. Time to confront my demons,lol.

46 minutes ago, NorthernDom2457 said:
Idk sounds like he doesn’t wanna be in a relationship, and you should walk away if you’re being affected negatively by being friends with him

I have pretty thick skin, the dynamics just perplexing me. It's like a mystery I have to solve ;p

51 minutes ago, Alpharide61 said:
You’re not an idiot. Don’t be so down on yourself. I recommend that you take your time and Vet, the individual that you’re looking to try and make a connection with. Find out what his motives are and his intentions. Remember what you have to offer as a gift and the person you’re giving that gift to should be worthy of it.

Thanks :) I tend to use self depricaticating humor in awkward situations. This whole deal def taught me what you mentioned.

The main thing is you gotta know his actions probably aren’t about you and you shouldn’t take it too personal. But if it make you uncomfortable or messes with your self esteem by hanging with him then you should break it off. You don’t want anyone making you second guess yourself or your worth all the time.
Sounds like he was just after some sex. It’s odd he stopped wanting to be your Dom and just be friends. A good Dom will know what he wants before he sleeps with you. I think you’re better off without him. Good luck.
He should have told you right of the bat that je wasn't attracted to you, not after. That is ass hat behavior. Seriously, it isn't you, it's him. It's good you're kind enough to look past it, but if the places were reversed and a woman did that to me, I'd be gone.
1 hour ago, Alpharide61 said:
You’re not an idiot. Don’t be so down on yourself. I recommend that you take your time and Vet, the individual that you’re looking to try and make a connection with. Find out what his motives are and his intentions. Remember what you have to offer as a gift and the person you’re giving that gift to should be worthy of it.

Now I'm terrified to get a second opinion 🙃

Contrary to most of the opinions in this thread, I think it’s entirely possible to have sex with someone, then realize you’re not actually that attracted to them after all, or something they do during sex turns you personally off.
I get the vibes that if it were the girl having buyer’s remorse and the guy who got friendzoned, the comments would have less empathy for the friendzone-ee and less ruthlessness for the friendzone-er, but 🤷‍♀️

o totally f**ked up! plenty of us guys out there who have morals and always on the high road! piece of sh*t guy who’s ruining it for the rest of us good ones!! should have said from get go! Dump her m and find another! Makes me angry! Good luck in your decision making!! Ciao!

1 hour ago, Char__ said:

🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ you know kink is meant to be based on honest, open communication, right?

This is also an easy way to end up seeming like a creep....I wouldn't do this for that reason. As well, interest should be mutual, not one sided either way

If he is making you feel bad about yourself or body tell him about how you feel about what happened between you two that made you feel uncomfortable.. communication is always important either just in a friendship or a relationship communication is how people get stronger as a couple and or friends
You are not an idiot, but you should neither roll with it or ghost him. And his not being attracted to you as NOTHING to do with...well, you. We all have preferences. Do I think I'm not pretty because straight women aren't attracted to me? Nope. Let him have his opinion, and love yourself, perhaps a little extra right now. If he's your friend, you can tell him how you feel, and maybe it will make you guys better friends. Either way, you are totally beautiful and someone else's opinion of you doesn't make it a reality!
Honestly, don’t be friends if you find it weird. And tbh, it does feel like he was having horny sex.

Maybe you should dump his a**. Sounds like an a**hole to me darlin. I really feel for ya. I dont lead people on like that. Just rude. Do yourself a favor and drop his butt for good.

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