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Guess I'm clueless?

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Yesterday at 12:58 PM, muddycreek_island95 said:
He playing you like a Playstation PS4

He's only looking for a friend with benefits an just waiting to see when the next time he get to Clapp cheeks

I'm a ps 5,not a ps 4 ;p I talked to him, and came to the conclusion that he is simple, like an atari, I refuse to downgrade and waste my data on obsolete toys.

He just wanted to f*** he also got self esteem issues. I feel (my opinion) if you want to keep him around only as platonic then why not but you control the player in the game not the other way around. See how he feels if you bring another guy to hang out with y’all. See where that goes! Or really just ask the question. Don’t ever allow another person to make you feel played. Bc at the end of the day did you get off? If so then let it be just that but if you got feelings for that dude don’t *** yourself by hanging on to nothing! Try discussing before you actually lay down with a person what it is they seek, also state what you’re seeking too. He might’ve just been looking for a body count. He really just floating bc when he does get hot again , you’ll be the first person he uses as a pin pushing princess to pounce on. His ego is SUPER INFLATED. If you want a friend to be around then cut the strings off. Seek what you desire. If you don’t like it then dismiss it.
You're definitely not an idiot if anything he's the jackass for passing up the opportunity to be with you
That sucks, and it sounds like he used you. Now I don't begrudge ONS's, but you gotta say that stuff up front. I feel so bad that this guy made you feel like trash because of that. Bring it up to him that this is having like a prolonged drop on you, if you don't get something that feels like an explanation/apology...block his ass
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guy is prolly js our of your league. supply and demand.
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