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Bad sex is nearly the equivalent of having no sex at all, just messier and more work.
Bad sex is bad because all you are is an interactive hole or appendage. I'd much rather have no sex than bad sex.
Look on YouTube for "bad sex vs radishes" you'll be hilariously entertained
No sex, I recently had the most disappointing sex in my whole life. I have done no sex for 3 years because my husband was too ill. I stayed loyal the whole time but if I had to have disappointing sex forever, no thanks.
You can still see the person who matches up with your energy and won't stress you
I'd rather have bad sex it's been some time since I've had consistent sex I can always get better at the craft and practice with bad sex then I could with no sex

Could I still have oral sex? Bc I would never choose no sex lol. But I could manage no traditional sex if I was woken up in the mornings to my exposed balls being worshipped, kissed and sucked on by a greedy c*msl*t.

Interesting because I'll always take no head over bad head. It's just uncomfortable for everyone. But sex? Bad sex I have had a time or maybe 2 it was infuriating I saw take the bad sex because there is always the possibility of teaching and learning. Or you just end up watching each other masterbate. Could be worse
Sunday at 07:10 PM, Slim-7 said:
Interesting because I'll always take no head over bad head. It's just uncomfortable for everyone. But sex? Bad sex I have had a time or maybe 2 it was infuriating I saw take the bad sex because there is always the possibility of teaching and learning. Or you just end up watching each other masterbate. Could be worse

Well how do you even know how it is going to be beforehand?

My struggle on the daily. 🙃
I guess the bad sex I'll take cause at least it's sex. Ya know?
I've never had bad sex!! Just have to think about it, you're still naked with someone who is willing to participate in whatever debauchery you're involved in. Sometimes it's just getting comfortable with expressing wants and desires and not hiding them because unsure what the other might think. If the sexual experience was truly bad, then someone wasn't being true about their interests and desires. That is truly regrettable for both participants.
I’ll take bad sex followed by aftercare and thoughtful critique over no sex any day
I had bar sex for 12 years with my now Ex husband, and I can't imagine experiencing neither
I'm not sure how bad sex could be bad without hope of improvement. Good sex is in the brain as much as the body. So I'll take the kobayashi maru of unimprovable bad sex, and improve it!
Bad. Can be on a spectrum. I would rather have vanilla sex than no sex. If I will.
Hmmm. Well I've only ever had coerced sex I didn't want so I consider that bad... not what I want for the rest of my life. But then I've spent the last 7 years with no sex at all... that's not what I want for the rest of this week much less life... I don't like this question lol.
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