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Master doesn't love you


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I do not believe in fwb. Especially with a sub. That is absolutely not ok. Benefits without the responsibility is irresponsible and barderline abusive.
Dont walk away, run away.
Walk away, the love you have for your dom will drive you to hurt someone. Just let it go
I would have to walk away. I couldn’t handle the mental anguish of that
Use your head, not any other emotion. Do you get sufficient benefit emotionally & structurally from a fwb ? If the answer is yes, stick with it at least for awhile and see what happens. Good Doms are hard to find, lol
Been there, walked. He's spent over 4 years now wanting me back. Can never go back after that. Can never fully trust him again.
I tried as a FWB… I couldn’t. I still cared and it just became more and more clear that it would never be the same. Eventually I walked
I wonder what you decided on doing... Did you talk? How are you now and are you ok?

I'm so sorry, Charms! We haven't talked in forever but I'm around if you want!

The love is a big part of why I would let my Dom do what they do, I just want to make them happy. I don't think it would feel the same if it was just a Feb situation :(

It's a rough thing to go thru. The constant questioning in the back of your mind of everything, the whole process of everything you have been thru, and the continuous mind F*ck of not being "enough" to keep the dynamic, but wanting to be kept around for the sex.

Not the op. But in a similar situation amd sure needed to hear the responses
think just from your side, no strings attached. if you comfy then yes else no. i know its easier to say than do but this will be the best advice.
Sounds like an in-depth conversation and a decision on your part. That is a choice only you can make. I am too important to waste time with someone.
Meaning I would sit them down express my concerns and if we could not come to a compromise, walk away you are more than the sum of your parts.
Personally I'd leave. My situation went from that to pure boredom and no after care so I felt neglected
I say the kink don't leave unhappy people do!
On 6/24/2023 at 4:47 PM, Emjay_xx said:

After being ghosted emotionally by mine for almost 2 weeks. I chose to kindly release myself. I try to remember my worth. Walking away was difficult, it hurt, but ultimately I know I’ll grow from it.

Hi hugs so.sorry u got ghosted 



Ty so much for your comments on the thread an those  who have taken there time to personally message me.


We actually spent last Saturday talking for quite a few hours. About exactly how we ended up having a disagreement an ended up as fwb. 


He actually never raised his voice while we had our disagreement.  It wasn't an argument.  He didn't raise his voice or get angry.  He's 1 of these people who doesn't rasies his voice. In 6 years iv only seen him lose his temper twice an raise his voice. When we have a disagreement he never blocks the door way an stands as far away from the door as possible  so I can leave as my x husband  used to block me in the room when we had words. 


I'm the 1 who when  hurt will lose there temper an walk out an refues to talk things threw. Iv always be an emotional  person and always will. I want ever let people  see me cry or show I'm hurt. My x husband  used to ues it against me. So instead of talking things three I walked out an cried on my walk on. Witch is only 5 minutes from his home to mine. He did txt me to make sure I'd got home.


I have been going threw  some  extremely personal things an we had a disagreement  an I blew it an flipped. 


But after a few hours of talking an us both putting our cards on the table were going to see were things go. But slowly. We have been threw so much togther in 6 years more than most an he doesn't want to throw it all away. 


He did ask if I'm hurting emotionally that I talk to him about things rather than bottling things up an then exploding. After spending 14 years with my emotions being used against me it's hard to share now. 


I want tell you what iv helped him deal with that's his personal things but I'll tell u things he's helped me deal with.  If people want to know. 

We have talked alot over txt since we spoke. Although I did see him last night. I broke my vacuum an he fixed it.  I did find my favourite chocolate in the junk food cuberd. 


M7ch l9ve ah hugs to.u all 




Saturday at 03:47 PM, Emjay_xx said:
After being ghosted emotionally by mine for almost 2 weeks. I chose to kindly release myself. I try to remember my worth. Walking away was difficult, it hurt, but ultimately I know I’ll grow from it.

People ghost in real life too now? And a Dom no less? Not acceptable.

7 hours ago, Charms said:

Ty so much for your comments on the thread an those  who have taken there time to personally message me.


We actually spent last Saturday talking for quite a few hours. About exactly how we ended up having a disagreement an ended up as fwb. 


He actually never raised his voice while we had our disagreement.  It wasn't an argument.  He didn't raise his voice or get angry.  He's 1 of these people who doesn't rasies his voice. In 6 years iv only seen him lose his temper twice an raise his voice. When we have a disagreement he never blocks the door way an stands as far away from the door as possible  so I can leave as my x husband  used to block me in the room when we had words. 


I'm the 1 who when  hurt will lose there temper an walk out an refues to talk things threw. Iv always be an emotional  person and always will. I want ever let people  see me cry or show I'm hurt. My x husband  used to ues it against me. So instead of talking things three I walked out an cried on my walk on. Witch is only 5 minutes from his home to mine. He did txt me to make sure I'd got home.


I have been going threw  some  extremely personal things an we had a disagreement  an I blew it an flipped. 


But after a few hours of talking an us both putting our cards on the table were going to see were things go. But slowly. We have been threw so much togther in 6 years more than most an he doesn't want to throw it all away. 


He did ask if I'm hurting emotionally that I talk to him about things rather than bottling things up an then exploding. After spending 14 years with my emotions being used against me it's hard to share now. 


I want tell you what iv helped him deal with that's his personal things but I'll tell u things he's helped me deal with.  If people want to know. 

We have talked alot over txt since we spoke. Although I did see him last night. I broke my vacuum an he fixed it.  I did find my favourite chocolate in the junk food cuberd. 


M7ch l9ve ah hugs to.u all 




Hugs my friend 🤗

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