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Height Difference


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Is Dating A Women Taller Than You A Turn On😏?
Not into women, but dating a taller man is always going to be a turn-on for me. Especially when he makes it obvious to me.
I don’t mind dating taller women I think it’s just uncommon for me to find someone who’s taller than I am
Yess it's something about being looked down on and feeling small for sure. Id be in trouble if not cuz I'm 5'2 XD
I wouldn't know for sure. I'm 6'2. It seems like it might, but the opportunity has never presented itself.
To me, yeah! For me being 5’4 my perfect woman is 5’10”, I’m right at titty height.
For me absolutely it would be. At 6”2” I have not had the opportunity to do so.
But in general I am attracted to women who are either much taller or much shorter than me.
Yea! I’m not sizist and don’t get the U.K. push for a man taller than woman. As for a tall woman standing in front of me while I’m sitting down. Yes!
Depends. I’m already 6’2 so it’s hard to find a taller that me woman. Yes I like dating taller lady’s that are like 5’11 6 or closer to me. Only dated one girl that was like half a inch taller then me
generally no i usually prefer women shorter than me who i can lift onto the kitchen counter and leave there because its mildly amusing watching them try to get down can’t do the same with women around my height

As a 5'10" woman I find it VERY difficult to find men who are turned on by my height. The struggle continues.

I actually am attracted to women that are taller than me. Likely because I'm really attracted to great legs. And obviously taller the woman the better the legs that they're going to have. I like a way longer excuse to need to kiss and lick up a long set of legs. So, a taller woman is definitely a turn on
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