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That awkward place, where the need to 

please wars with the *** of looking needy.

Where I second guess everything I do, and

feel like a puppy, nuzzling at you heels.

Dignity, it slides away and I simply want

to please you. To tease you and bask in

your approval. More, I want more of you.

You smile, your attention, your … other places. 

It's humbling.  The person always in control, 

asking for your control. I want to be

your pet. Your good girl. I am giddy

with the possibilities, scared that I 

might get what I want. Or worse, that

I might get close enough to sniff at it

before watching it sail off into the distance.

I want to take the next step. Flesh against 

flesh. Handprints on my ass and ropes

across my body. Because that connection,  

that closeness,  it'll tell me everything 

I need to know. 
Ugh. This is the worst phase. 😫 it's agony. You just need them to give you permission to lose yourself in them.
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