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Well, Dom, Sub relationships are still based on consent and all parameters need discussion prior to undertaking the relationship. It requires maturity on both sides to be able to communicate dos and don’ts. So if you don’t have the confidence to communicate your dislikes, perhaps you shouldn’t be in this kind of relation.
There are some people who use mind control and these types of methods to make you fall deeply in love with them and have you under Charm. As a result, you have no other option than to fully submit to them and accept blindly whatever they ask or find the power to break up and escape. I am saying accept blindly because at that moment you are hypnotized...you don't understand what you are doing.
3 hours ago, Superiority said:

There are some people who use mind control and these types of methods to make you fall deeply in love with them and have you under Charm. As a result, you have no other option than to fully submit to them and accept blindly whatever they ask or find the power to break up and escape. I am saying accept blindly because at that moment you are hypnotized...you don't understand what you are doing.

You clearly know very little about hypnosis - let's not scare people unnecessarily. Someone who is hypnotised knows EXACTLY what they are doing! If it were possible to have someone blindly follow any instruction, every hypnotist would be a multi-millionaire! 


2 hours ago, 4RCH said:

You clearly know very little about hypnosis - let's not scare people unnecessarily. Someone who is hypnotised knows EXACTLY what they are doing! If it were possible to have someone blindly follow any instruction, every hypnotist would be a multi-millionaire! 


Hey 4RCH. I trust you are doing well. I thought we had a good cooperation till now. I'm not trying to scare anyone, however this a reality. I am not talking about hypnosis but about Charm. Which is similar to hypnosis. The user applies Charm to the victim making them fall deeply in love with them and have them under their command. Which in turn they can benefit anywhere from financially to sexually etc. And yes, most of these people are upper class and most likely making 6 to 7 figures a year or month. I have helped many friends escape these types of situations and all of them are now living a very healthy life. I myself may be a Dom for the largest part but never use these types of deception. My apologies my response was disturbing to you. I tend to believe we have free of speech

3 minutes ago, Superiority said:

Hey 4RCH. I trust you are doing well. I thought we had a good cooperation till now. I'm not trying to scare anyone, however this a reality. I am not talking about hypnosis but about Charm. Which is similar to hypnosis. The user applies Charm to the victim making them fall deeply in love with them and have them under their command. Which in turn they can benefit anywhere from financially to sexually etc. And yes, most of these people are upper class and most likely making 6 to 7 figures a year or month. I have helped many friends escape these types of situations and all of them are now living a very healthy life. I myself may be a Dom for the largest part but never use these types of deception. My apologies my response was disturbing to you. I tend to believe we have free of speech

Pardon my dictation. The app is pretty glitchy and it causes me to make typing errors.

8 hours ago, Superiority said:

I'm not trying to scare anyone, however this a reality. I am not talking about hypnosis but about Charm. Which is similar to hypnosis.

yeah, I get what you mean - but also understand why the wording (hypnosis) caused confusion

I think there's a simple saying that it's harder to see red flags when wearing rose tinted spectacles, they all just look like flags

and then of course add in any manipulation, gaslighting, etc. 

Girl run the guy is a control freak and just wants to use you more then likely because your new he's going to use that to his advantage and try to bend what being dom means there is a difference between control and dom he is control you want someone experienced a true dom is loyal to his partner
1 hour ago, eyemblacksheep said:

yeah, I get what you mean - but also understand why the wording (hypnosis) caused confusion

I think there's a simple saying that it's harder to see red flags when wearing rose tinted spectacles, they all just look like flags

and then of course add in any manipulation, gaslighting, etc. 

I'm right in there with you! I couldn't agree more

Ask yourself 'why don't I like that'. Do you want exclusivity and/or fairness in the relationship? Then, ask him to what his true feelings are for you and why there should be one rule for him and another for you. You'll know everything once he answers. The likelihood that he's not a true Dom, but merely a manipulative is high.
Honestly? If that’s who he really is and that’s who you really are then he’s not for you and you need to let him go. Don’t try to chance a man in that way. You’ll lose so many times until you win, IF you win. It’s a stupid game. Don’t even continue it at this point.
Just talk about it and see where it goes. Ultimately you need to feel safe and comfortable in the relationship.
bail before you get into a worse situation. i can see the ending from here and you're not gonna like it.

just to go back to the original point a little

the concept of one Dominant having many subs, but subs being exclusive to them, is not uncommon.  But it doesn't work for everyone.

Without more info it'd be impossible to say if this was any form of red flag or not.

However: the only info I really need is that you don't like the idea that he can do stuff with others, yet you can't.  But have the added layer that you like him.



As is. It's not going to work.  If you decide you like him and will give it a go, it's not going to work.  You're going to be unhappy and frustrated.

Whether things would work if he compromised this position I do not know because I don't have that info.  But, for example from your perspective it needs to be somewhere where... if he can play with other people, but you can't, it's not going to work. You also want to play with others.

If he says no to that. Sorry, the relationship ends. It's better to end sooner/amicably then go down a path you don't like

if he says yes, then the two of you may need to agree what this looks like - but - again, be aware of rules where he can preapprove your partners but you can't do the same for his.  

If you don’t like the thought of it now, when it happens for real you will likely get hurt. Stick to your guns. Tell him your conditions and if he doesn’t agree then I’m sure that there are many many doms on here that you will also like when you get to know them and they will respect your feelings. A sub dom relationship dynamic is a really beautiful and respectful thing when both parties are in complete agreement as to their role and limits. When you enter into this type of relationship you are putting a huge amount of trust into your dom. Although you like him, what he wants and what you want is not compatible. Find a lovely dom with different “rules” that compliment yours.
You express this to him, if it is not something he is willing to give up or CAN give up (yes that is possible depending how poly he is)..... Then the truth of the matter is you two just might not be a good fit
  • 3 weeks later...
I do believe in one Dom but that wouldn’t exclude my subs from having say a submissive or vanilla boyfriend
  • 3 weeks later...
Either you are poly or your aren't. If you see your partner as a possession that cannot be shared or enjoyed by others that is fine but you need to address this NOW. If he is poly and you attempt to own him he will likely cheat.
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