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Sweet Pony Treasure Hunt Clue Glossary

:one:  :two:  :three:  :four:  :five:  :six:  :seven:  :eight:  :nine:  :one::zero:

:one::one:  :one::two:  :one::three:  :one::four:  :one::five:  :one::six:

:one::seven:  :one::eight:  :one::nine:  :two::zero:  :two::one:  :two::two:

:two::three:  :two::four:

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#18 aquariums swimming pools and cigarettes all have thesr
1 hour ago, Pasta said:

Ok all the clues I’ve read for grid #21 feel so obvious but I’m still missing it! It must be staring me right in the face. Can anyone help me?

Have sent you a message 😊

1 hour ago, Tricksterloki94 said:

How many our out so fair I’ve got 15 of 24 I thought think I’m fully caught up

Currently there 18 icons available to collect, so you are 3 short. If you would like some help, feel free to drop me a line. 😊

Just wanted to say Hi to everyone. Hope you all are enjoying the treasure hunt. This time sorry to not post clues and connecting with the community. Enjoy and if u get stuck feel free to DM me for any clues which you don't understand on this board
2 hours ago, poppifields said:
I just started last night and found them all but grid 17 is eluding me. I feel like I've got the clue but apparently not.

I tried to message you but blocked by your filters, pleased message me for support 😁👍🏻

Please message me someone I’m missing two and this if my first puzzle, not sure how to count the grid to know which pieces I need
2 hours ago, RisingMoonBeam said:

Im missing the bottom right corner


2 hours ago, RisingMoonBeam said:

My bad bottom left*

I just checked your profile and looks like you found it, which is great. 😊

8 hours ago, soul-Dominance said:
I need help with clues? I m not sure what clues, I have found and which I haven’t? I show I have 11 icons of 24.

Hi my friend I tried to message you but can't get through your filters. If you'd like a hand message me I'm happy to help 😁👍🏻

2 hours ago, poppifields said:

I just started last night and found them all but grid 17 is eluding me. I feel like I've got the clue but apparently not.

I tried to message you but your filters are preventing me from doing so. You are welcome to message me and happy to give you a hand 😊

2 hours ago, Roxybby_xx said:

Hellllllp this is driving me crazy lol!

I just checked your profile and looks like you are uptodate also, which is great. 😊

2 hours ago, bolton922 said:

Number 2 plz...

Have sent you a message 😊

Clue #17 - you have control over wether people meet your requirements or not 😜

Day # 16 - Clue # 19 - Grid # 04 - Is it you who is really the real treasure here?  😍

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