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Who believes this is a hookup site?


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I agree 💯 with you! This isn't tinder.
If they are attractive women pass them my way🤣
I haven't found anyone here but at least people to talk about bdsm or kinky sex
I don’t think u are wrong, u must know and resonate with the person before meeting and up eventually have sex, you just don’t
“ hei, want to be tied up ? “ :))))
You've absolutely not wrong in my opinion! Unfortunately many see a profile on a kinky site and immediately claim ownership of that person and feel bemused when turned down! More the neanderthal ancient male species unfortunately....
Personally idk if it’s real or not. I just got on not too long ago. And honestly there’s nothing in here that stands out from the rest
This is why I don’t bother answering messages 😅
The way the site comes across is the fetish equivalent to Facebook to me although it’s more geared up for dating with the spank thing I think personally it’s up to you what you are looking for and people should respect your attitude on what you want eg my I’m only looking for more casual fun than anything serious if it’s a hook up fine if it’s a good amount of chatting and a few meets Brills it’s about understanding what the other person is comfortable with some are happy to just meet up others like to know their partner a little and need a connection there
This site is for whatever reason someone wants it to be. No one should be looked down on because they don't want the same thing as someone else, we are all different and want different things from this lifestyle, and that's what makes us so unique, you just be you and be proud of what you're looking for on your personal journy .

Same! I literally have been b***hed out by men because I need more than “oh my god the things I will do” and then they go into detail. Like hey you’re cute will work, buddy

Not just for hookups at all. Should deffo be checking with someone fairly early on that you're on the same page with what's wanted I think.
5 minutes ago, NewToBrat said:

Same! I literally have been b***hed out by men because I need more than “oh my god the things I will do” and then they go into detail. Like hey you’re cute will work, buddy

Conversation is key?

I view it as a sex market but the app isn't designed for JUST sex. From my view and understanding, it's pretty much just a community of like minded individuals that share their ideas, thoughts, and develop friendship and relative safety.
I don’t think it’s just hook ups, but I have seen profiles that very obviously just want that. Just about finding someone free that weekend or wanting casual sex. So I think some people’s interpretation of fetish/kink is just casual sex 🤷🏻‍♀️
Maybe not quite grasped the concept 🤔

If your looking for love id probably not be on a site like this more for people who have different fettish. Maybe tinder would be more for you wouldn't run into so many people wanting weird sh**

Whilst some may see it as a "hook up" site, and there's nothing wrong with that if they do, they should also respect that no everyone does - I certainly don't and nor do many of the people I've chatted to.
Anyone trying to tell anyone else how to use the site is clearly wrong and not on the same page as the other person.
Sadly sites like this will always attract those that think signing up immediately guarantees them whatever they want and when it doesn't pan out that way frustration kicks in and things go awry from there.
Personally I see this site as somewhere to interact with likeminded people and if anything develops off the back of that then it's a very pleasant additional thing rather than being my main aim.
I definitely see this as both a kink and hookup site.
No, this is not supposed to be a "hook-up" site and those that try to use it for that undercut the actual reason for sites like this. Kink is about a lifestyle dynamic. Unfortunately, all of the fetish sites are full of guys who pretend to be Doms thinking that sub girls are an easy score. My compliments to you for standing strong and holding out for the right situation for you.
To be fair it's gotten that way here.. I have spoken with some nice people, but when you indicate a conversation with some new I've been ignored and have been blocked.. anyway that's my 2 cent
Is a site for fetishs, so if your not wanting to be in a fetish like situ than I'd suggest not using the site

Its how were programmed by society Roll guilty of it one way or another The next best thing the new iPhone new Samsung you know what this 1 person will do the next one will instant gratification. You'd be lucky if the average attention span is at most 15 to 20 minutes Before people start getting annoyed twitchy fidgety. And I understand that yes you're not a piece of meat can people should have a little more common sense but in a world where we So much access to more of this and More of that but a lot of these sites take advantage of the Simple fact that life is busy people don't have a lot of free time like I said above the tension span is only so long and while people probably want to experience the choice of being with another personIt's in a society where we gotta get it where we can find these apps take advantage of the factOf that. And it's kind of sad in a way They all hint at the idea of that that's what this or that's what they provide you know tinder is just a meat market for fake accoutside but you know when you look at it at a hole it's basically Window shopping for a piece of tailAnd I think that just rein***s the fact that he only got so much time in a day and I'm trying to findThe one last true free enjoyable thing to do in this fucking world and that's f**king But instead we just all get f***ed In a long run. But no it's unfortunate that people can't understand that ano realize that people are still people can meet on an hour's notice some people need however Long till they're comfortable. People should at least respect that you knor at least be open and clear about their intentions rightThat's just my 2 cents.

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