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Crying men


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I don't know much about prehistoric man or men from Sparta, Rome, etc.

In modern times when men cried it was largely frowned upon.

It only started becoming acceptable for men to show feelings in the 80s, but even then it was niche and extremely frowned upon.

It got a wee bit more acceptable for men to cry and show their emotions in the 90s, but even then it was largely a "man up" generation.

It only really became accepted for men to show emotion and cry in the 2000s.

It'll never be wholly acceptable, though.

Traditionally, men are supposed to be all muscle and zero emotion.

Even now, recently my *** told my brother to "man up" when he was having a bit of a break down.

So yeah, idiots still walk amongst us.

Me? I read Jane Austen and The Bronte ***s. I'm very much in touch with my emotions.

I'll display whichever emotion I like. I'll live my life whichever way I like.

If people don't like it? Namaste.

If you got cry, cry away…. It’s healthy toxic to keep in emotion.
my parents told me its ok to show emotions never bottle them up
  • 2 weeks later...
It's tough to let tears out because all my childhood I was always told to "stop with the tears, and "big boys don't cry". I felt uncomfortable even crying in private. When I got to be in a relationship where I was comfortable letting my guard fully drop, it felt fine. Now I tear up at anything.
No, everyone should be able to show their emotions, it helps you deal with them, theres a reason we have the biological responses we do and supressing them can be dangerous.
  • 2 weeks later...
I definitely don’t think if a man cries it doesn’t make him less of a man
There’s nothing sexier than a man who’s strong enough to cry.
  • 3 weeks later...
It takes a completely in touch with reality, open minded , compassionate leveled man to just naturally let a couple tears drop when they do. Life's too short to not cry out of happiness, especially when it's successfully over triumphs and accomplishments.
Every year on My Adult Son's Birthday I cry because My Ex took him out of state and lost him to said state. This was seven days after his birth 20 years ago.
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