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Descent to Possession


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As she sweats in the heat of the summer afternoon…

She had not counted on the sun when she consented to switch roles…

Her make up- immaculately applied this morning only now beginning to run

As she moves nude through the clearing

Nude but for the leather collar and the chastity belt 

The signs of the role which she has willfully assumed.

She had not counted on the wanting

On the ache of her desire-the longing that grows when control is gone

I could read it heavy in her dark eyes-the thrill of expectation

Passion swimming in a sea of mystery

-How far will it go?

-How far will I go?

She is wet with the heady delight

Having known true power

Having surrendered it to another's whim

As ecstasy rises

As she sinks to her knees

As the gray clouds roll in across the summer sky to mask the sun

It has all gone so quiet

She can hear the beating of her heart 

And her cunt is the rising of the ocean swells

The roar in the *** ready to break upon the rocks

“ I am here my Love. Command me.”


Shorn of collar, shorn of chains I rise before her

Rex nemorisis-Horned God

The slave who wears the mantle and crown

King of the Wood

My cock rampant at the sight of her-at the knowledge of her need

An *** in rut and mastery


“ You have come so far.” I tell her “ To present yourself here

How much further will you go? What price would you pay

For the true initiation?


The words we wrote and memorized falling lush from her parched lips

“ I have crossed the deserts filled with war,felt the touch of death upon my skin.

I have wallowed in the swelter of jail cells for the promise of your name…

Drunk deep of poverty, of hunger. I have frozen in the winters of the cold north east

Fled ragged through the Rockies when ice froze to my still moving bike…

-my leather jacket pawned for gas -that I might make it through to you…

I have lost friends and lovers…I have traded fortunes for your glory

Lost pride…respect…I have begged on my knees

And I have stolen…I have whored myself to people and to causes

I have lost myself a hundred times…that I might find you…

On knees before me I press the swollen tip of my cock to her forehead.

Ask her, “ What price will you pay?”

As her mouth waters at the feel at last of flesh upon flesh.

Her answer, written long ago, falls at last in triumph.

“ My body is yours, my mouth

My tits…I offer you mysteries of my living cunt

All the secrets of my yearning ass

All that I am, All that I may be, all I ever wanted, all I ever had.”

“ And in exchange?”

“ Teach me magic. Give me life and give me love

Grant me happiness, give me peace

Reveal to me your deepest mysteries, that I may love you more.”

“ Open your mouth, my love.”

And in an instant it is open,her tongue flashing out like a sacred carpet 

Unrolled before the empress of the earth.

The sweet groove with was made to bed my yearning prick, in union she draws me in

Into the sweetness of her mouth.

“ I have loved you.” I tell her. “ I have always loved you. 

I will love you until the end of time…Drink deep of me…


Liminal gnosis on the tip of the tongue

The long goodbye to waking world

And hours from now the dream

In drag-in rags and ribbons…

Let your voice rise to sweep me away

Let your visions descend to guide me on the path to you

Take my hand and guide me

Through all the wreckage of this earth

In this place I summon you


That I may worship you in ecstasy

In the glory of your possession

Through all the rites of your initiation…

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