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The 2 Degrees of Separation


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absolutely - news travels.  there is a flip to this, mind... while lies can catch folk out and a bad reputation spreads... having a good reputation can also spread 

19 hours ago, DaddyMcCheeko said:
I think we talked and got on once but sadly I deleted my acc. You were a little green then if you're the same person. And if so - Wow! You've grown. Sat here in awe reading your posts lately.
You're right of course. More people should come with openness, radical honesty and maybe a little old-school protocol too. ID/vetting and securities. Hell even references are a thing of the past now. 🤦🏻‍♂️ sad times.

I'll add one thought tho:
People are a collection of the stories we tell ourselves and those we tell about others. They can be manipulated by some to be bigger than they ever ahould be about themselves and they can be blown out of porportion and taken in all kind of wierd and shitty ways by keyboard warriors who dont know all the facts. The internet should come with a health warning and guidance on how to act in k8nky company. And yes - there is nowhere to hide.
All said... people should also be allowed to make and learn from their mistakes too. That still comes with a huge helping of humility and maturity to stand tall again and hold yourself accountable. A good (insert role) will have made mistakes and should own them well like swimming certificates on their proverbial fridge.

I really do believe that we all started somewhere here. And it's up to people who are more learned and wiser to help those who's douchcanoe ways (my new fave word btw!) is something they did purely through poor decision making and bad judgement.
Lies are inexcusable.
And so too are manipulative people or cheats and actual predators.
But a lot of the people I've heared about lately have been people just not aware of or willing to follow basic old school decent protocol.
Getting to know someone.
Sharing and owning all of their truth and even your mistakes.
Allowing a meeting as equals before finding the power imbalance that fits.
Just being there for the person you're casually fucking around with.
Kink isn't about getting your end away, it's about connecting with something way deeper and more precious but people have really gotta learn how to keep themselves safe and dig deeper to satisfy their flags.

Really love reading your stuff... Keep fighting the good fight lady!

You're welcome for douchecanoe. Cockwomble is another favourite!

20 hours ago, FatefulDestiny said:

What happened to the phone??

 And ps I’ve missed your writings x

It died the worst death it could have, a green screen, it works but I can't even unlock it to take a call. £200+ to have it fixed 😪

2 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

You're welcome for douchecanoe. Cockwomble is another favourite!

I've used cockwomble for a long time sorry. What about assnugget!?

1 minute ago, DaddyMcCheeko said:

I've used cockwomble for a long time sorry. What about assnugget!?

Oh a new one for me, I may well add that to my insult dictionary 🤣


I forgot about cockwomble, I’ve not used that for a long time. Time to revive it I think.
My wife was driving and someone angered her immensely, but my then toddler daughter was in the back so she didn’t want to swear. ‘You barnyard ***’ fell out of her moth and that’s stuck around for many years now. 

1 hour ago, YorkshireBiker said:

I forgot about cockwomble, I’ve not used that for a long time. Time to revive it I think.
My wife was driving and someone angered her immensely, but my then toddler daughter was in the back so she didn’t want to swear. ‘You barnyard ***’ fell out of her moth and that’s stuck around for many years now. 

🤣😂 quick thinking!

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